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nentwined @ | 20-Aug-04/12:29 PM | Reply
I'm starting to think the 1 poem every two days is a little too restrictive. Other opinions? I tend to write in bursts, so I'm posting to poemranker less often myself because of this rule.

Maybe this would be a case where implementing a submissions "queue" (Shuushin suggested some time back) would work well?

Dovina @ | 20-Aug-04/1:23 PM | Reply
I have seen less activity on Poemranker in recent weeks. It seems that with fewer comments, that allowing more submittals will reduce further the comments received. Personally, I care a lot more about the comments that about the votes. I'm for keeping the two-day limit, queue or no queue.
zodiac @ > Dovina | 22-Aug-04/5:16 AM | Reply
I think you meant 'submissions', not 'submittals'. You will probably argue that submittal is a valid noun form of the verb 'to submit'. I'm sorry, but that's totally dim.
Dovina @ > zodiac | 22-Aug-04/9:36 AM | Reply
I will probably not argue with such a dim and trivial objection.
zodiac @ > Dovina | 26-Aug-04/1:56 AM | Reply
You misused the word "objection".

I dare you to write a sentence without misusing or otherwise malapropising a word.

PS-This isn't an objection, either.
anonymous @ > zodiac | 26-Aug-04/9:48 AM | Reply
Zodiac is a tool.

I win.
anonymous @ | 24-Aug-04/5:08 PM | Reply
I have a better idea

I would suggest 1 poem every two days but with one difference: Cumulative posting rights. If in two days you don't post anything, you save that right to post and can use it at any time, and if again in two days you don't post you now have two free posts.

This way people who write poems in profusion the way Pfeizer does condoms will still be limited to one every two days and won't flood the site, but people like netwind (and myself) will be able to post in bursts the way we've always dreamed.
darylchew @ | 30-Aug-04/10:06 AM | Reply
darylchew @ | 30-Aug-04/11:28 AM | Reply
one poem a day would be better, wouldnt it? one every two days is too long.
Dovina @ > darylchew | 30-Aug-04/11:56 AM | Reply
I would not object to that, but I also would not be as inclined to read every poem posted by someone who posts every day, simply because of limited time. Some people avoid the two-day limit by having more than one log-in.
darylchew @ > Dovina | 30-Aug-04/12:00 PM | Reply
it is simply depressing to go to your stats and see

'User has to wait until 1-Sep-04/9:18 AM before posting new poetry. (45 hours, 20 minutes)'


Sasha @ > Dovina | 3-Sep-04/2:48 PM | Reply
I still think that cumulative posting privileges are the best idea
nentwined @ > Sasha | 3-Sep-04/2:52 PM | Reply
cumulative I will not do--people would leave the site, come back after two months and then spam it with everything they'd written in the meantime, then leave again. :/
Sasha @ > nentwined | 4-Sep-04/6:29 AM | Reply
Oh but netwind, darling, I'm going to cry.

Fine. Ok. Lets see. How about one a day then as was already suggested.
darylchew @ > Sasha | 4-Sep-04/11:01 AM | Reply
yes, yes. one a day.
anonymous @ > darylchew | 5-Sep-04/3:57 AM | Reply
Dovina @ | 5-Sep-04/9:47 AM | Reply
Well, here’s the way I see it.

Every two days, on average, I write a poem – sometimes seven in one day, then a dry fortnight. I usually post something from the current week or two because I want feedback on recent insights and deceptions. Any ensuing discussion should then follow topics of current interest (for me, maybe not for you). I don’t see much value in knowing what you think of the poet I was a year ago.

That’s the value of Poemranker – a place to deposit these current missives and receive opinion, much like a dog deposits messages hoping to be read, and ultimately of about as much value. It’s in the process of writing that Poemranker shines, not so much so in evaluating old poems.

So the two-day limit is right for me. Some people post every day using two or more ID’s, and that’s fine when their postings are recently written, but what purpose is there in flooding the site with old poems?

By the way, my suggestion for a more friendly Help Tab has received little attention. I think newbees should be able to get up to speed easier and quicker than I did. After all, we’re here to critique poetry and poets, not a person’s ability to navigate the site. Or are we?
Tintagiles @ | 20-Sep-04/8:17 AM | Reply
Why not break from the twenty-four hour day patterns and make it one poem every 11.459155902616464175359630962821 * Pi hours? It's a midpoint (for the mathematically uninclined like myself, that's one every 36 hours).
zodiac @ > Tintagiles | 24-Sep-04/5:50 AM | Reply
Hey, funny numbers!

PS-You dick.
anonymous @ > zodiac | 24-Sep-04/6:09 AM | Reply
How's it going choad?

I thought of a brilliant invention to market to Westerners in the Middle East: Steel Neck Braces - how the hell will they behead you if you have a neck sheathed in stainless steel?
MacFrantic @ | 23-Sep-04/11:34 AM | Reply
The only problem with posting every day is that there would be even fewer comments. People have enough trouble pressing the "previous twenty" link. Wouldn't one poem a day just cheat people who aren't getting votes or comments anyway?
anonymous @ | 23-Sep-04/5:20 PM | Reply
Well, as for the problem of people not getting enough comments or votes already, you could arbitrarily delete anyone who hasn't been here in a year. Or two years, or eighteen months, or whatever.
Caducus @ | 8-Oct-04/8:01 AM | Reply

Why not do the following:
1) Keep the 1 poem every 2 days BUT for every comment received the critic earns points to promote their own work. This way everyones a winner
2) Add a favourites list to encourace reciprical critiques ie if i love your work and add you to my favourites you may feel obliged to return the favour?

There are only 2 poetry websites you can get a mature critique - poemranker and

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