Replying to:
Dovina 5-Sep-04/9:47 AM
Well, here’s the way I see it.

Every two days, on average, I write a poem – sometimes seven in one day, then a dry fortnight. I usually post something from the current week or two because I want feedback on recent insights and deceptions. Any ensuing discussion should then follow topics of current interest (for me, maybe not for you). I don’t see much value in knowing what you think of the poet I was a year ago.

That’s the value of Poemranker – a place to deposit these current missives and receive opinion, much like a dog deposits messages hoping to be read, and ultimately of about as much value. It’s in the process of writing that Poemranker shines, not so much so in evaluating old poems.

So the two-day limit is right for me. Some people post every day using two or more ID’s, and that’s fine when their postings are recently written, but what purpose is there in flooding the site with old poems?

By the way, my suggestion for a more friendly Help Tab has received little attention. I think newbees should be able to get up to speed easier and quicker than I did. After all, we’re here to critique poetry and poets, not a person’s ability to navigate the site. Or are we?

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