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Stephen Robins @ | 2-Jul-04/6:13 AM | Reply
If I have raised this issue once I raised it at least four times - why can authors delete comments on their own poems? Surely this is counter-productive, sensitive souls like Antagon/Shin Shuu/Shuushin delete anything which in any way lays criticism on the steaming piles of ordure that they post. This practice means that there can be no forum for critical debate, which will in turn lead to a stolid, hum-drum website.

nentwined @ | 2-Jul-04/11:43 PM | Reply
Authors can delete comments on their poems so as to not have to live with people leaving an infinite number of 'SH@&^&227!!!!11111111111111111!!' posts.
anonymous @ > nentwined | 3-Jul-04/6:12 PM | Reply
Has that ever happened?
nentwined @ > anonymous | 4-Jul-04/12:38 AM | Reply
I think many people would believe that it has.
Stephen Robins @ > nentwined | 5-Jul-04/3:28 AM | Reply
A very weak reponse. We are all censored now.

nentwined @ > Stephen Robins | 5-Jul-04/12:52 PM | Reply
And you have been since the fucking beginning.
anonymous @ > nentwined | 5-Jul-04/1:37 PM | Reply
I guess a lot of shit got through thou.
richa @ | 6-Jul-04/6:51 AM | Reply
Personally I think users should be able to delete replies to their own comments on other peoples poems. That way you don't have to keep arguing with some half-wit with comprehension difficulties and no mates.
anonymous @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/8:17 AM | Reply
Look you don't always have to click on the 'reply' button. The way to stop arguing is, amazingly, to just stop arguing. What would deleting do? Just give you power of censorship. And anyway, the dullard you're arguing with could just post their comment again. What's the point? The only reason you ever delete anything is because you don't want everyone to know what a dunce you've been. Thanks, -10-
richa @ > anonymous | 6-Jul-04/10:21 AM | Reply
What deleting does, is tell the person who replies to go away. Also the given dullard does keep posting his comment again. Again and again and again and again. In fact I was wondering whether it was his inability to understand an argument or that he only has one argument which he feels the need to repeat ad nausebum.

If I was able to keep all my comments and delete all yours I would. If you have something to say (you don't) then you could comment on the poem, but to only comment when I make a comment makes you seem like a stalker.

And no, thank you.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/10:46 AM | Reply
"If I was able to keep all my comments and delete all yours I would."

So what you want is the power to delete your opponent's side of the argument and leave your side of it?
richa @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 6-Jul-04/11:14 AM | Reply
Not at all, if you ever say anything relevant or worthwhile it should be framed.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/11:47 AM | Reply
The trouble is that the most common reason for having an argument with someone is that you think their point of view is cobblers, and yours is tremendously worthwhile. Any sensitive soul who had your penchant for deleting comments willy-nilly would abuse the system by censoring out his opponent's argument. I actually thought I was being reasonably mature during our recent 'science' debate. I gave you my honest opinion on what I thought you were trying to say, and I really don't think it was that obvious to anyone other than you that my comments were 'irrelevant' or stupid. Had my point view been obviously bum-like, I daresay you'd be the last person to delete the evidence.
richa @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 6-Jul-04/12:08 PM | Reply
'I am only embarrased when I perceive myself to have been stupid. This is rarely the case. - Rockmage.

Funny how one can unwittingly capture human nature so well.
anonymous @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/1:03 PM | Reply
Does that mean you agree with me, or do you still think poemerankers should be allowed to delete replies to their comments?
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/5:16 PM | Reply
I think it's fantastic the way we get on so well. You, with your absurd penchant for mystical quasi-anti-science, and I with my immense pair of wellingtons...
richa @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 7-Jul-04/11:14 AM | Reply with your bumlessness
anonymous @ > richa | 7-Jul-04/11:21 AM | Reply
Don't try and take him on at his own game, you will end up a sad drooping little jodphur wanting to delete this comment thread to expunge your sad presence from the world.
anonymous @ > richa | 6-Jul-04/11:04 AM | Reply
I absolutely agree that both sides of an argument should remain, I wouldn't delete half an argument.

But I'd delete "you're a festering [bla bla bla]" or some similar non-topical adolescent idiocy, and after that person continued to do it for some number of months then I would be inclined, as is my want, to deleted everything I could by them on sight - even without reading it.

This is all hypothetical, of course.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 6-Jul-04/12:02 PM | Reply
Ask yourself why you would delete such comments. Is it because they upset you? Is it because you're "rising above all the immaturity on this site"? Is it because they offend God? Deleting a childish insult isn't going to make the culprit feel guilty, nor is it likely to make them stop. If they're anything like me, and let's face it they probably are, they'd think "Yes! I've got a reaction out of him! I feel so big!". The only way I think it might help is if the culprit wants to 'leave his mark' everywhere, like some sort of revolting graffiti 'artist'. Needless to say you raise some important issues, and I understand how you must sometimes feel. Indeed the endless stream of abuse that bombards my two most beautiful poemes ("The Nude" and "AIDS in a van") can only be described as "unbelievably appalling".

But consider this: in 1997 twenty-three million people died of AIDS, and of those twenty-three million, 13 million were innocent children. Now THAT IS unbelievably appalling.
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 6-Jul-04/1:40 PM | Reply
Sorry, not even close. What else you got?
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 6-Jul-04/1:44 PM | Reply
eh? Are you referring to my suggestions as to why you might want to delete comments on your poemes? It would save time if you just told us the reason.
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 6-Jul-04/2:41 PM | Reply
Why would it save time? I delete them for the same reason he posts them.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 6-Jul-04/5:19 PM | Reply
To try to start an argument? To try to make some immense buffoons you've never met briefly chuckle? To invent new insults? To pass the time? To see how far you can push someone before they snap? What?
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 7-Jul-04/3:12 AM | Reply
You seem to have aptly summed up my life. When laid bare I see what a hideous deformed freak I must appear to the outside world, what with my propensity to waste time on this website abusing half wits and writing extremely naughty poems.

I believe some of my verse will remain as an indelible stain on many rankers mindset for the rest of their lives. "My love for Katie" will certainly never leave me.

Anyway if we weren't insulting people then Zamzara and his cohorts would rule this site and the sickening level of "constructive criticism" would reach such a choking level as to swallow itself in a huge damp guff.
wFraser Allonby Q.C.w @ > anonymous | 7-Jul-04/7:38 AM | Reply
I have compiled a list of the best comments to have been posted in recent years:

- You simpering half wit.
- Duff Guff.
- You are a slapper.
- You are a prize clot.
- Absolutely splendid.
- Your first decent poeme.
- I should smite your face with a mighty cudgel for such a terrible poem. However as you remind me of the Katie to whose memory I still cling, like a pair of pants to an old man's crotch, I award you a fairly indifferent -7-
- Do they have schools in your country?
- You are a heavily soiled crapnappy.
- Fucktard.
"Do they have schools in your country?" is the best Stephen Robins comment ever.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 7-Jul-04/3:03 AM | Reply
Well I am sorry but a lot of the diatribe on this site is less than average, in fact it stinks of mouldy plimsolls. If everyone took themselves on this site as seriously as Shin Shuu then no one would ever come and check for new comments/poems.
anonymous @ > anonymous | 14-Jul-04/9:30 PM | Reply
Marvellous! Better than most of what I've read on Poemranker, as a matter of fact. Can't you see it?

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