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-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 6-Jul-04/12:02 PM
Ask yourself why you would delete such comments. Is it because they upset you? Is it because you're "rising above all the immaturity on this site"? Is it because they offend God? Deleting a childish insult isn't going to make the culprit feel guilty, nor is it likely to make them stop. If they're anything like me, and let's face it they probably are, they'd think "Yes! I've got a reaction out of him! I feel so big!". The only way I think it might help is if the culprit wants to 'leave his mark' everywhere, like some sort of revolting graffiti 'artist'. Needless to say you raise some important issues, and I understand how you must sometimes feel. Indeed the endless stream of abuse that bombards my two most beautiful poemes ("The Nude" and "AIDS in a van") can only be described as "unbelievably appalling".

But consider this: in 1997 twenty-three million people died of AIDS, and of those twenty-three million, 13 million were innocent children. Now THAT IS unbelievably appalling.

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