How about a User's Manual or "Hints for New Users" It might get some of us off to an easier start. Could include things like:
1) On the comments page, click on the "Include Comments to Comments" to get the whole scoop. I'd prefer that it came up this way as default.
2)On your home page, click on the "Comments" heading to see which of your poems have received recent comments. It's easy to miss a new comment on an old poem. Same can be said for "Votes."
3) On the "Recent" page, look for the little numbers at the left. They tell you how you voted. It would be nice if a little "c" appeared there when I comment, but do not vote.
4) When commenting, try to follow the good structure Kaolin has set up by being careful which comment you comment on. When a lot of comments are there, it's sometimes best to comment on the poem itself, beginning with "xxx, regarding your insinuation of my utter stupidity, let me rimind you . . ."
5) When you vote and comment on a poem, and the poet revises the poem using your comment, it seems a courtesy to renew your vote or change it so the vote is not lost.
6)Check the Best List once in a while, you could be surprised.
7) Probably other stuff I don't know about yet.