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zodiac @ | 7-Jul-04/3:25 AM | Reply
I guess I'm leaving today. Would you consider making it some sort of official poemranker holiday?

Shuushin @ | 7-Jul-04/4:36 AM | Reply
When you return, it will be a Holiday.

Travel well, be like the Sampsonites.
anonymous @ > Shuushin | 8-Jul-04/4:52 AM | Reply
What have briefcases got to do with anything? you retard!
anonymous @ > anonymous | 11-Jul-04/8:08 AM | Reply
Could you be a bit more specific about this please stephen robbins? I mean he could spend weeks telling you about what breifcases have to do with a veritable cornucopia of items or procedures, but would that help stephen robins, would that help?. Maybe if you narrowed down your request, maybe that might do some good.
Stephen Robins @ > anonymous | 2-Aug-04/8:21 AM | Reply
I really don't see that briefcases have anything to do with anything.
Where are you going?

P.S. You are a heavily soiled crapnappy.
Dovina @ | 7-Jul-04/1:36 PM | Reply
It's not been all that bad, not really. Fair weather.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 7-Jul-04/3:44 PM | Reply
I would like to echo Fraser's sentiments about the crapnappy.
Stephen Robins @ | 9-Jul-04/1:59 AM | Reply
Zodiac, ceerio, please accept my advice:

I would not advise that you go out in the Sun in the Middle East as your Ginger complexion will be fried alive. In addition don't goose the locals unless you like little boys (I have a sneaking suspicion you do) and don't get kidnapped and paraded on rival internet sites. If you are kidnapped see if you can establish contact with nentwined to have your beheading captured on as this would give him some much needed publicity. If you wanted to have a laugh you could always wipe your arse with your right hand and eat with your left that will baffle the rag headed bunch of half witted child sodamisers.
zodiac @ > Stephen Robins | 11-Jul-04/9:15 AM | Reply
You're too late on every count but one.

nentwined, I need a million dinars and a broadband webcast. Can you arrange it? If I'm ever freed, I promise to buy a mug.
Stephen Robins @ | 2-Aug-04/8:12 AM | Reply
I would like to protest in the strongest possible terms that you have not yet gone anywhere. In fact to me, you appear to be in exactly the same place you were. On my laptop, in my office with my secretary's used jam rag casually discarded in front of the screen and her bobbing head occasionally obscuring my view of the poemranker copyright.

Make your bloody mind up.
zodiac @ > Stephen Robins | 3-Aug-04/5:57 AM | Reply
When I posted this suggestion, I honestly thought the closest thing to technology I would be seeing for two years was an automatic camel-wipe tied with a sheepshank. Yes, I live in an incredibly small village with an enormous inbreeding problem, but I've found a serviceable internet cafe with english keyboards where I can smoke all the cigarettes I want indoors while watching women in hideous states of overdress and several dozen pairs of grown men holding hands in public. I guess I'll be here a while longer.
Sasha @ > zodiac | 25-Sep-04/11:21 AM | Reply
I have to say, either you're using an incredibly distant router, or you are actually in Jordan. Either way, kudos to you
Sasha @ > zodiac | 25-Sep-04/11:26 AM | Reply
What on earth are you in Amman for?

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