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Suggestions: (227 open)

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Displaying suggestions 121 - 130 of 227

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Blindpoetry Last Post: 18-Jun-04/9:55 PM
I suggest you add 'pantoum' to your list of types of poetry. I can explain what it is if i have to...

nentwined Last Post: 11-Jun-04/7:11 PM
so, we're coming up on three years, or poemranker is at least. In that span, two mugs have been bought, and I've had a total of about $50 donated. Which is appreciated, certainly, and I'm sticking to "no ads". But, well, what do you think you might pay [...]

Sasha Last Post: 6-Jun-04/3:40 PM
These anonymous users have too much power

anonymous Last Post: 28-May-04/8:04 PM
I have a radical idea: "Wasting Votes". Every vote is deleted exactly one month after it is cast. Or every vote has less impact on the weighted average after a specified period of time. Or something. Whatcha think, guys?

anonymous Last Post: 21-May-04/1:11 AM
Anonymous poetry until after you've voted. Then it is based purely on the quality of the poem and not the reputation of the poet.

Sasha Last Post: 17-May-04/10:30 AM
How about adding Terzanelle as a poem type. It is a combonation of Villanelle and Terza Rima. It consists of five tercets and a quatrain like the villanelle. The middle line of the first stanza is duplicated as the last line of the next stanza and the f[...]

Sasha Last Post: 15-May-04/7:23 PM
Can we have some limited HTML? Just a little bold and italic couldn't hurt now could it?

nentwined Last Post: 15-May-04/3:18 PM
I need a new duck. er, I need a new gimmick. any thoughts on another "ranker" site you'd like to see? I'm going to do one for fractals, but I need to learn a bit more about them. What else do people create? I don't have the bandwidth to do an mp3 si[...]

anonymous Last Post: 15-May-04/11:36 AM
I am interested in the true motives behind this site. My suggestion, though perhaps stated before by several other members can never be said enough. Those who see themselves as Gods of poetry should infact nurture those they view as artistically declined[...]

Enkidu Last Post: 14-May-04/12:26 PM
As an avid *(Tired word, I know)* humorist I feel that poems should not only be posted by style but also categorized by the tone or mood. Among suggestions: Humor_Sporatic (Written in less than two min.) Dark/Disturbing_Racist_Satirical Love_Gros[...]

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An internet tradition since June 9, 2001