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anonymous @ | 14-May-04/7:01 AM | Reply
Anonymous poetry until after you've voted. Then it is based purely on the quality of the poem and not the reputation of the poet.

nentwined @ | 14-May-04/8:07 AM | Reply
I actually really like this idea, except with 2 worries:

would everyone feel comfortable having their poems hidden behind anonymous via the random-voting? ((I could turn off google's spidering of that page))

most people I think vote directly from the poem details page, and so would know who/what they were voting on.
zodiac @ | 14-May-04/11:45 AM | Reply
Hey! What a great idea!

Wait, no. It would be almost pointless.

For example:

The following anonymous tidbits were written by regular poemranker contributors. Let's see if you can guess who wrote them! Are you ready?!!!!


1) "Courteous the fox-cub
did not follow the wolf
west through the

blind-brushing reeds
where I made my path,"


2) "I touched her heart; it was cold
Colder than the night before
I say “Do you need me to warm it?”
She says nothing; she just shook her head"


3) "cool enlightenment (Free verse) by _________

Wintry wind
against my skin,
evergreens now white;
this contradiction reflects light-
squinting I understand,"


4) "I would send you frost from my window pane at first light
as we threw off the quilt and prickled at the crisp;
I think you must miss this. So I would seduce you anew, and
these would be my gifts:"


5) "She's young - younger than I am, which is young -
Too young for her profession. I’d like to see her with her tongue
Pierced in a black skirt dancing drunk in a bar with one
Man after another all night. I could sit by the stage
Drinking dos-equis from big bottles. And when she was done
I would take her home."


6) "Elegance was perhaps,
my first mistake
as a new born street poet--
The assumption that
my lines of verse had to appear
refined & exotic,
with aureate wording
carrying the touch of melodrama,"


7) "Breathing becomes just too hard,
Every organ, bruised and scarred,
I attempt to hide in the shade,
Regretting all those choices I made."


8) "and the act (ritual) breathes
the essence of coffee-to-be
into my mind,
a mystical hypodermic mainlined to my soul;"


9) "Fix me I'm loose
Screw me counter clockwise, in tight.
It's a failed rotisserie spin.
a misunderstood chicken fat bin.
In downtown with
the black people
in line, so fine."


10) "The bag was brought forward
The brown bag
It spoke of soilings passed

Towels at the ready,
the ritual was performed."


11) "But once again I left my heart open
Just like before you left my heart broken

I need a sign to show that you are here
Just can’t stand when you aren’t near
In spite of everything I know this is true
That all I want is to be close to you"


12) "(secrets spring up like wildflower weeds,
coughing up accidental clandestine blooms)
soon everyone will know and someone will taste the whispering song
people will know I thinkthatPASSION ISas passion does"


13) "Jesus moved to town today.
He set up shop in an abandoned brothel.
Handing out flyers to passers-by,
while his brother doled out the rules."


14) "Impossibility is only a noun
But when the stars start going out
You wonder

I AM an anomaly of dignified sorts
So what?
Shut your goddamn face"


15) "Settle
The Devil
The Devil
anonymous @ > zodiac | 15-May-04/1:21 AM | Reply
My thoughts exactly-- good fun this. I have deleted mine own so noeone cheats.

[5] I do not recognise. It is very lucid. One of yours, horus on a good day?
Shuushin @ > zodiac | 15-May-04/5:15 AM | Reply
When did I post that? and - why?

Did I post the whole thing?
zodiac @ > Shuushin | 15-May-04/6:07 AM | Reply
What are you talking about? That's probably one of your better bits.
Shuushin @ > zodiac | 15-May-04/6:15 AM | Reply
I didn't say it was either good or bad - I just can't find it.
zodiac @ > Shuushin | 15-May-04/7:00 AM | Reply
Why don't you go to your user page, click title, cross your fingers, and then drop your eyes down to the C's, where you'll find it right between "Cool Argument" and "Cordial Offerings"?
Shuushin @ > zodiac | 15-May-04/8:52 AM | Reply
There's that stupid alphabet again. First it gets me in the record store, then the book store - now here. Dammit.
anonymous @ > zodiac | 18-May-04/1:45 PM | Reply
ha ha ha I'm awesome
Shuushin @ | 15-May-04/5:20 AM | Reply
I like the idea too, btw. I just can't figure out how it would work.
zodiac @ > Shuushin | 15-May-04/5:51 AM | Reply
Solution: Don't display the poem either. Users vote blindly, and then find out what poem they've voted on.
anonymous @ > zodiac | 15-May-04/9:44 AM | Reply
Signature @ | 21-May-04/1:11 AM | Reply
I second that idea. It is smashing!!!

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