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nentwined @ | 21-May-04/3:49 PM | Reply
so, we're coming up on three years, or poemranker is at least. In that span, two mugs have been bought, and I've had a total of about $50 donated. Which is appreciated, certainly, and I'm sticking to "no ads". But, well, what do you think you might pay for new features? What features would those be? Or should I just leave the ranker alone and let it run itself (the madhouse, eh?) as it stands? Would you pay for the ability to post more often? or perhaps a merchandise thing... would you pay to print your poems in a handsome booklet ala cafepress or some other POD? Or...

Or are you just here for fun and games and I should shut the fuck up and leave well enough alone?

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ | 21-May-04/4:10 PM | Reply
I would pay $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the following:

1. The ability to mark up my username with some subset of HTML, suitable for enormous red names, maturity harnesses, etc., and to be able to change it in my user details page without changing my actual login name.

2. To not log -=Dark_Angel=-'s IP addresses, and to have all such loggings stricken from all records and backups.

3. A standardised, embedded Mediocrity Code Laboratory, with checks of my own devising and an input field next to the search field for translating Mediocrity Codes.

4. The ability to turn any comment brown and indelible, once a day.
I'll give you $15 for #4.
zodiac @ | 21-May-04/4:25 PM | Reply
Content-based advertising. Including internet porn, natch.
nentwined @ > zodiac | 21-May-04/4:40 PM | Reply
you'd pay for that?
zodiac @ > nentwined | 21-May-04/4:48 PM | Reply
Nope. I'm moving to the Middle East in a month and will likely need all my tiny income to buy pirate porn DVDs from Islams.

I just thought the idea of targetting ads to poem subjects was kind of funny.
nentwined @ > zodiac | 21-May-04/4:53 PM | Reply
I'll agree with that. :)

Probably won't do it, but it would be funny.

We played games with that in the nfg guestbook.
Shuushin @ > zodiac | 22-May-04/1:02 PM | Reply
Software in all forms is dirt [sand] cheap over there.
Shuushin @ | 21-May-04/5:07 PM | Reply
I wouldn't mind ads, personally.

I would prefer they not be pornographic, there are enough dicks, assholes and cunts around here already.

A vanity press type thing, while it could be done well, I think has too many negative connotations. Still...
Blindpoetry @ > Shuushin | 22-May-04/1:26 PM | Reply
I believe ads will destroy poemranker and rebuild it as something like ... Which'll suck.

AHH!!! No ads! please!!
Can you conceive of something shifting slightly in one direction but not hurtling out of control to its extreme?
Yes... Yes i can...
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 9-Jun-04/1:14 PM | Reply
No, can you conceive of a flying arrow stopping?
Sasha @ > Blindpoetry | 22-May-04/3:24 PM | Reply
I agree
nentwined @ > Blindpoetry | 24-May-04/4:17 PM | Reply
I wouldn't mind making money like, but I can't really imagine this place becoming like that regardless of advertising.
anonymous @ > nentwined | 25-May-04/4:04 PM | Reply
how much does make? Is this public domain I wonder...
nentwined @ > anonymous | 25-May-04/6:37 PM | Reply
I don't believe they're a public company, and they probably don't publish results. But if you listen to the number of people complaining that they've been scammed, it must be in the millions, yearly.
Blindpoetry @ > nentwined | 25-May-04/6:55 PM | Reply
I've had a friend that was published in a book...
She said that it is one big huge scam 'cause they say that you will get published for free... (and you do) ... which makes you feel all 'special' inside and want to buy the over priced book.
(like.. 19 bucks, dude!)
nentwined @ > Blindpoetry | 25-May-04/7:24 PM | Reply
Quite; and that's only the bottom of the barrel. Some folks they'll manage to hit up for hundreds if not thousands of dollars. You can buy books, cds, pay to have winning poems read at their yearly "winners' conference", ...
anonymous @ > Shuushin | 24-May-04/1:12 AM | Reply
No sucker is going to pay to advertise whilst there's cunts like you on this website.
Nicholas Jones @ | 24-May-04/4:29 AM | Reply
I'd pay five pounds if there was a tombola element involved.

How much does it cost you to run the ranker? You're praying on my intrinsic guilt complex now, I'm tempted to buy a mug.
Shuushin @ > Nicholas Jones | 24-May-04/10:47 AM | Reply
what is a "tombola element"?

and five pounds of what?
nentwined @ > Shuushin | 24-May-04/4:18 PM | Reply
from by way of google:

n : (British) a lottery in which tickets are drawn from a revolving drum
Nicholas Jones @ > Shuushin | 26-May-04/6:30 AM | Reply
Five British pounds sterling. It's what we use for money in the United Kingdom.

A tombola is a stall you might have at a primary school summer fete or something similar. You pay your money, and pick out a raffle ticket, from a thing called a tombola which is a box mounted so it can swing round and shuffle the tickets. You then get the prize which corresponds to the number you pick i.e. you pay a set amount of money and get a prize which may be worth more or less at random.

Now, how about a virtual tombola with a poetic element?

nentwined @ > Nicholas Jones | 24-May-04/8:24 PM | Reply
Cost is difficult to ascertain. I spend ~$180 a month on dsl, but that hosts a dozen+ sites. I spend a fair amount of time working on it, or at least worrying about it. But really, I just want money so as to make it easier to work on other projects. Maybe upgrade the server some day. mugs give me $1.01 profit. :)
god'swife @ | 9-Jun-04/11:37 AM | Reply
If I could by a t-shirt that said I hate -=Dark_Angel=- on it followed by his details web address I would wear it with pride. Or one that said I (heart) Zzinnia66 etc., I'm not kidding. If you could offer specialized Tees, instead of the ultra drab white ones you've got, you'd make some sales. Make it interesting. Maybe you could ask someone to do illustrations of what they think the ranker's might look like based on their comments. Or maybe some of the rankers might send in a photo or illustration of themselves. This would work for mugs as well. You could ask the best writers here to compile books of their favorites along with commentary. Maybe a yearbook?
anonymous @ > god'swife | 10-Jun-04/10:39 PM | Reply
I'd pay for a t-shirt like that... Really, I would.

Do you think you can do that, Nent?
wilco @ > anonymous | 11-Jun-04/7:08 PM | Reply
I want a T-Shirt that says:

Writing poetry could get you a blowjob.

It Won't

But it could.
wilco @ > wilco | 11-Jun-04/7:11 PM | Reply
Also, I think that a dashboard Jesus wearing a Poemranker T-Shirt would be great.

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