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anonymous @ | 20-May-04/10:08 AM | Reply
I have a radical idea: "Wasting Votes". Every vote is deleted exactly one month after it is cast. Or every vote has less impact on the weighted average after a specified period of time. Or something. Whatcha think, guys?

anonymous @ | 20-May-04/11:05 AM | Reply
I think I like it better than retaliatory anonymous zeros that never go away.

I believe it also solves the question of small edits since it won't be such a hard thing to repost something if its going to loose votes anyway.

probably the name "Fading Votes" or "Melting Votes" would be better.
deleted user @ > anonymous | 21-May-04/7:49 AM | Reply
I like "Fading Votes" best.
zodiac @ > anonymous | 21-May-04/8:05 AM | Reply
"Flaming Dolts"
anonymous @ > zodiac | 21-May-04/9:43 AM | Reply
"Aging Coons"
nentwined @ | 21-May-04/3:46 PM | Reply
interesting. perhaps two fields tracked, one with the fading, one without, stats depending on the fading votes.

though really, people don't vote enough to keep things full of votes. if there were more people voting, then... well, then you wouldn't need this anyway, likely, because vendettas would be a much smaller fraction of what was happening...
Shuushin @ > nentwined | 21-May-04/5:01 PM | Reply
no votes then no comments - simple.

Most people here are more focused on spreading their well considered commentary, a sort of blessing in the form of a lathered puss-like topping over their hard-won world views and deepest convictions - make them earn it.
anonymous @ > Shuushin | 21-May-04/6:18 PM | Reply
User -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. replied to your Poemranker comment in which you said:

> no votes then no comments - simple. ... [blab la blah]

Their reply was:

You truly are the scowling asscrack of poemeranker. "I don't like the way people vote on this site. They're voting against my poemes. Change the voting." "I don't like the way people are commenting on this site. Prevent them from commenting." "This site is full of assholes."

You're not even trying to stir up trouble. Why do you post here?


You're not even trying to make sense - why do *you* post here. Don’t answer that – I don’t give a fuck.

I've completely given up caring what votes I get - because so many votes are retaliatory there really is little value to the total score.

How can you seriously call me the “scowling asscrack of poemranker” when that would be you, Sir. ACk, my God – calling you Sir just gave me such a bad taste in my mouth that I need to freshen it by sucking the carcass of a dead rodent pulled from I_have_a_fat_back’s pimple encrusted ass.

This site does have its share of assholes and you, Sir (damn, only one rodent left) are one of them.
Shuushin @ > anonymous | 21-May-04/6:20 PM | Reply
That was me, btw. A rodent ate my cookie.
anonymous @ > Shuushin | 22-May-04/7:47 AM | Reply
There is a reason I deleted that comment. The reason is I knew your reply would be massively stupid and predictable. This conversation is over.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 22-May-04/8:02 AM | Reply
Actually, I've changed my mind.

The idea that you've given up caring about votes is absurd. You've spent so long weeping and raging about the unfairness of voting on poemeranker that it's obviously the main reason you post here. Since you've finally realised that all the self-righteous whining about votes in the world won't change anything, you're now telling yourself and everybody else that you've "completely given up caring" anymore. Which is a open-topped buncombe sandwich if ever I saw one.

When you're not whining about the users or whining about the votes, or earnestly telling people off with an enormous plum in your mouth, the only other thing you do is leave bulging one-line praises on other poemes, in the desperate hope that they'll do the same to yours. That must be the reason you scour recent-comments.jsp and get into so many tedious arguments, because you don't get along with any of the other sluggards who post there.

Why is it that you have to have all comments posted to you, so you can rush to repost deleted ones and retort with a series of awkward "rodent"-based "comebacks"? And why do you have such a faggy pseudo-Japanese name? When you go online, do you transform into a powerful Samurai warrior with a true honourable spirit of Bushido and a powerful attack? And where do you get all your mouth plums from? Why don't you stick to nfg, where you can make wry, world-weary remarks without having to angrily defend your honour against naughty poetes? In sum, why don't you bog off?
anonymous @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 22-May-04/10:18 AM | Reply
There you go again, pretending that by putting one word in front of another that somehow you will attain something comprehensible, or less likely, something true.

Bring it, hippy.
Blindpoetry @ > anonymous | 22-May-04/12:33 PM | Reply
actually... I thin the hippy here is Rockmage... 0_o; You scalywag!
Shuushin @ > Blindpoetry | 22-May-04/12:38 PM | Reply
lol - I was actually reminded of Rockmage when I used it - but meaning him no ill will.
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. @ > anonymous | 23-May-04/4:47 AM | Reply
Say what you just wrote out loud.
Shuushin @ > -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. | 23-May-04/7:29 AM | Reply
Is this the Learned Man's equivalent of "I'm the rubber, you're the glue; anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"

Are you gonna hold your breath until you turn blue next?
SupremeDreamer @ > anonymous | 28-May-04/12:25 AM | Reply
Ok, I'm sorry, but did you call darkie a fucking hippy? Theres no fucking way you could be that stupid, or is there? That or the replies are warped once again. Or perhaps lack of sleep is beginning to have a serious effect upon my mental state.. maybe I'm currently being abducted by martians from your anus?
Shuushin @ > SupremeDreamer | 28-May-04/8:04 PM | Reply
Hey, if it walks like a duck, squawks like a duck and waddles like a duck then it's a hippy. Hippy.
SupremeDreamer @ > Shuushin | 28-May-04/12:18 AM | Reply
There isn't a specific reason why you decided to compare commentary to a "blessing", is there? It's probably time that I change that catch phrase I use...
anonymous @ > SupremeDreamer | 28-May-04/3:55 AM | Reply
heheh - no - you post, vote and comment. But it is your catchphrase though, isn't it? Better than "I'm Spicy".
wilco @ > nentwined | 21-May-04/5:07 PM | Reply
How about implementing an "ignore" feature where people could block those users that never leave anything but annoying comments that have no bearing or purpose.

Then set it up to where you have to vote on a specified amount of poems before you are able to post again. Say, vote on 10 poems before you can make your post every other day.
zodiac @ > wilco | 22-May-04/6:14 PM | Reply
This entire page is idiotic. I propose that your ignore feature would reduce the average IQ of readers of your poems to 60.

Don't you fucking get it???????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?1/?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!!?!???????!

Let me spell it out plainly then: The only people who like ANY poems at all on this site are retards or retards who have to like other people's retard poems so those people will like their own retard poems. The reason for this is that we are all, to a man, utter hacks. The idiotic insults any of us get on our poems are the closest things to informed critical opinions we're going to get here. Yes, you could eliminate anything insulting and bothersome and bask in the glow of beatific stupidity, but that would make you the Dunce King of the world's most swollen Dunceocracy.

Which should be just fine, really, because poetry in general is an astonishingly-dull world-encircling idiot group-fellation-party, anyway.
Sasha @ > zodiac | 22-May-04/7:11 PM | Reply
That little diatribe of verbal diarrhea is one of the more amusing things I've read these past 13 waking hours

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