Replying to:
-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.
22-May-04/8:02 AM
Actually, I've changed my mind.
The idea that you've given up caring about votes is absurd. You've spent so long weeping and raging about the unfairness of voting on poemeranker that it's obviously the main reason you post here. Since you've finally realised that all the self-righteous whining about votes in the world won't change anything, you're now telling yourself and everybody else that you've "completely given up caring" anymore. Which is a open-topped buncombe sandwich if ever I saw one.
When you're not whining about the users or whining about the votes, or earnestly telling people off with an enormous plum in your mouth, the only other thing you do is leave bulging one-line praises on other poemes, in the desperate hope that they'll do the same to yours. That must be the reason you scour recent-comments.jsp and get into so many tedious arguments, because you don't get along with any of the other sluggards who post there.
Why is it that you have to have all comments posted to you, so you can rush to repost deleted ones and retort with a series of awkward "rodent"-based "comebacks"? And why do you have such a faggy pseudo-Japanese name? When you go online, do you transform into a powerful Samurai warrior with a true honourable spirit of Bushido and a powerful attack? And where do you get all your mouth plums from? Why don't you stick to nfg, where you can make wry, world-weary remarks without having to angrily defend your honour against naughty poetes? In sum, why don't you bog off?
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