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buk has a piss Prose Poem 2437 (5.57;4) 2 5 comments Edna Sweetlove
Starting Over Free verse 9992 (4.88;2) 2 1 comment impert&ent
Bats Free verse 8112 (5.00;2) 2 2 comments Dovina
the edge of creation - spoken word Free verse 6918 (5.05;2) 2 3 comments nentwined
Getting Ahead Lyric 2644 (5.52;3) 2 2 comments Jill Stockinger
Gathering Stones Free verse 3188 (5.40;3) 2 0 comments Jill Stockinger
The Trump 6-6-5 Haiku Haiku 2311 (5.60;4) 2 2 comments Engelbert Humpalot
Waking Up Free verse 3363 (5.36;5) 2 8 comments Edna Sweetlove
Reason Free verse 4768 (5.19;1) 2 1 comment Dovina
the product of repetition Free verse 5971 (5.12;2) 2 4 comments nentwined
Missing Free verse 4773 (5.19;1) 2 1 comment Jill Stockinger
Aztec Priest Lyric 6941 (5.05;1) 2 1 comment Jill Stockinger
Cockroaches Free verse 5958 (5.12;2) 2 1 comment Jill Stockinger
Nadine Free verse 3186 (5.40;3) 2 5 comments nentwined
Sunrise at McDonalds Free verse 5461 (5.14;2) 2 2 comments Dovina
these works Free verse 5457 (5.14;2) 2 0 comments nentwined
I'll start Free verse 6156 (5.09;2) 2 7 comments nentwined
Where are all the poets? Free verse 3191 (5.40;3) 2 8 comments nentwined
Due Free verse 6338 (5.09;4) 2 5 comments impert&ent
Firewoman Free verse 8963 (4.95;5) 3 3 comments Richard

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