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buk has a piss (Prose Poem) by Edna Sweetlove
walking through the park one romantic evening pretty goddamned stoned as i recall bursting for a piss i think what the heck ain't nobody around no way can i hold it tell i get back home my only pair of decent pants will be fucking drenched go i behind a bush to take a leak jeez what a relief pissing must be the greatest thing after fucking shitting and getting a blow-job talking of blow-jobs fifty seconds later just finishing the shakes this voice comes out of a bush suggesting i might like a suck what have i got to lose i thought even though he's not my type no tits for a start so i just shut my eyes and enjoy but don't anyone call me faggot or i'll black your eye you mother fucker

Up the ladder: The wise
Down the ladder: A Cyclamatic Word of Advice

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Arithmetic Mean: 9.75
Weighted score: 5.566214
Overall Rank: 2437
Posted: February 3, 2021 10:03 AM PST; Last modified: February 3, 2021 10:03 AM PST
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[10] conny lingers @ | 7-Feb-21/12:05 PM | Reply
At least he had two arms,
[n/a] rabbi sammy schtupp @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 9-Feb-21/9:27 AM | Reply
[n/a] wDaphnew @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 14-Feb-21/10:02 AM | Reply
[10] Engelbert Humpalot @ 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 | 17-Feb-21/10:24 AM | Reply
A gem
[n/a] SupremeDreamer @ | 18-Feb-21/5:18 AM | Reply
This is something you never experienced except when wetting yer depends. Stfu. Dumb cunt.
2 view(s)

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