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20 most recent comments by TheVoiceless and replies
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Re: a comment on Death, last resort of protection by TheVoiceless 30-Sep-03/3:46 PM
Why thank you kind sir.
Re: The Poem Without an End Working Towards the Beginning by TheVoiceless 30-Sep-03/12:36 PM
How might I ask did this piece of shit get a ten?
Re: this is your poetry by nentwined 23-Sep-03/1:42 AM
I like it.
Re: a comment on Love has been awoke. (edited, needs new title) by TheVoiceless 16-Sep-03/4:29 AM
I don't think you're judgement was fair by any means. Look at the form of art. Don't look at it in a "I'm manly man and hate all stupid girl love poems."

I think I did a fine job of potraying the thoughts, the feeling and making you see how someone without a voice would see these happenings. Think how you would feel if you were mute then see the art at hand.

Not saying it's the best... but its far better than a 3.
But hey I'm handicapt so why shouldn't my scores be too, right?
Re: playing the scratching game by nentwined 15-Sep-03/3:39 AM
Oh yeah I see a little kid waving his arms around in a temper trantrum like in the store. Hehe love it.
Re: playing the scratching game by nentwined 15-Sep-03/3:38 AM
Way to reach out for attention.
Says exactally what you want it to. Short and to the point. I'm liking it, here's a ten.
Re: a comment on Being Mute by TheVoiceless 15-Sep-03/2:50 AM
Thank you brother. To bad I'm the one that got you started in poetry huh? :P
Re: a comment on Love has been awoke. (edited, needs new title) by TheVoiceless 15-Sep-03/1:57 AM
Missing. Little typo seems everyone has those at times.
Re: a comment on Love has been awoke. (edited, needs new title) by TheVoiceless 15-Sep-03/1:54 AM
Now that... That is the type of comment that I like to see. I could careless about the votes. Sure they're nice to see, but don't mean near as much.

Good poems don't always need big comments. But if they made the reader think something then say it. Or gave you an idea yourself, the same.

I'm rambling, I however do thank you. I'm going to copy this comment and read it a few times. Ofcorse I'm going to be rewriting my poem while reading the comment. I give you a 10 on your comment. :)
Re: The Gentleman by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 13-Sep-03/4:53 PM
Nice poem it says just what you want it to say after reading a few comments. Quite well put together I saw the picture come together and give the meaning. Here's a 10.
Re: Angelic Fornication by The_Third_Isis 13-Sep-03/4:39 PM
Very nice. It says a lot but drags or something at the end. Maybe take out the last two lines? Here's a 9 none the less.
Re: a comment on Love has been awoke. (edited, needs new title) by TheVoiceless 13-Sep-03/4:31 PM
There it's been changed from the informative to poetic. Whole different subject. But its still nothing major for me, its messing something I just can't see what.
Re: a comment on Love has been awoke. (edited, needs new title) by TheVoiceless 13-Sep-03/10:47 AM
It wasn't ment to be good. Only to inform. I won't even have it up long. I'll change it into something more my norm before to long.
Re: a comment on I can, could, would. by TheVoiceless 13-Sep-03/1:29 AM
Short and direct to the point giving total view poems aren't always the best. I'll agree with you there. Not taking anything from the shorter poem writers I've seen some very good ones. Its just not my style or my favor read.

Any suggestions how to make it better?
Re: a comment on Being Mute by TheVoiceless 13-Sep-03/1:26 AM
Thank you very much. I got the idea when I signed up for this site. Decided what I wanted my user name to be, then thought hey... Why don't I write a poem about the mute amongst society.
Again thanks for the comment and the vote.
Re: Slimshady Meets Cali Hillbilly (I Don An Afro) by SupremeDreamer 13-Sep-03/1:20 AM
It was a fun read man. Looks like you had to have had a blast writing it. One of those that you sat there forever to write? Little by little, reading over, changing. Looking at the screen cockeyed wondering if it makes any sense.

Being messed up helps you write at times doesn't it?
Re: Slimshady Meets Cali Hillbilly (I Don An Afro) by SupremeDreamer 13-Sep-03/1:20 AM
It was a fun read man. Looks like you had to have had a blast writing it. One of those that you sat there forever to write? Little by little, reading over, changing. Looking at the screen cockeyed wondering if it makes any sense.

Being messed up helps you write at times doesn't it?
Re: a comment on Being Mute by TheVoiceless 13-Sep-03/1:06 AM
Let me explain one time,
The only sound I break is toot, toot, toot,
So don't make fun trying to be cute,
Or your brain from skull I will lute.

(Look I'm a poet and didn't know it too.)

Thanks for the comment had to give a little back towards ya.
Re: Lifestyles of the ripe and glamourless by horus8 12-Sep-03/3:07 PM
It almost seems to be more of a rant. But it works, and some of the things are so off the wall. I love it.

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