Re: a comment on A pinch from the snuff box by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
13-Mar-04/6:00 AM |
Original Question:
Are you telling me a woman with a penis isn't original?
Answer: (Specially Condensed in a special condensing machine so that it is condensed for special condensed usage.)
No amount of Syruping the Spotted dick, Jeremy b-eing the handyross or indeed any verbing the nouneage will conwince otherwise.
Re: a comment on Being by horus8 |
13-Mar-04/5:39 AM |
What are you on about? The surname Slater comes from Orkney?
The name Slater, as in some one who bungs slates on a roof, is Norwegian? Sure sounds Norwegian to me! And of course Orkney is world famouse for it roofing slate. Wlesh slate? nah mate i'm gonna get me somea that Orkney stuff!
Re: Life is a Basket of Pennies by SupremeDreamer |
12-Mar-04/1:00 PM |
Also rename it to
Revenge of the Duck Billed Platitudes
Re: a comment on Life is a Basket of Pennies by SupremeDreamer |
12-Mar-04/12:49 PM |
Yeap sure have drugs boy
Lots of love ==Doylum
Re: a comment on Life is a Basket of Pennies by SupremeDreamer |
12-Mar-04/12:37 PM |
I didn't call you an idiot like penis. I called you a gigantic cock. Flid
Ah haha ah ha yes I had thought of doing a kick botty version of your personal write but then I caught myself walking down maudlin street, treading in a large dog egg of disappointment and thinking, what's the point man? Guilding the lilly init
Lot of love ==Doylum
Re: Life is a Basket of Pennies by SupremeDreamer |
12-Mar-04/10:53 AM |
Life is a basket of penises
and YOU are the biggest penis of them all
Blessed with a poo
Re: a comment on Wha you funkin wan? by ==Doylum |
12-Mar-04/10:37 AM |
what? and i should reply
un oeuf un oeuf with this badinage?
But i won't cause your a Chutney Lord Foker with a poo on top!
Re: a comment on Zodiac's Visit to Micky D's by Oej-Oej |
12-Mar-04/10:01 AM |
Re: a comment on Tales From The Outhouse by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
12-Mar-04/9:59 AM |
A ha ha ha
The sycophantic slags all say i new him first and i knew him well
Re: a comment on Tales From The Outhouse by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
12-Mar-04/9:59 AM |
A ha ha ha
The sycophantic slags all say i new him first and i knew him well
Re: a comment on Tales From The Outhouse by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
12-Mar-04/9:58 AM |
A ha ha ha
The sycophantic slags all say i new him first and i knew him well
Re: a comment on A pinch from the snuff box by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
17-Dec-03/8:50 AM |
What with all your wacky crazy experience of shit and stuff, you've never done a hard hitting cutting edge street panto?
Well I'll be damned Jeremi B. Handrinos. Have we finally found something you don't excell at Jeremi B Handrinos. And i always thought you'd make a really rather first rate Panto Dame Jeremi B Handrinos
Arrrree yoooou teeeelllling me a woooomaaan wiiith a pennnnnnis issssn't oriiiiiiginal?
Re: a comment on Me, myself and I. by darby pyn |
17-Dec-03/8:29 AM |
Hey there?
Yep i guess you right dude? I'm sorry i guess i was just a little cranky the other day? Its just, ye know, i can't actually avoid reading your closing sentence and score cause, well it keeps coming up quite frequently, and although i don't visit as much as i used to it always seems to appear somewhere in the recent comments section? Maybe you could come up with another closing sentence and alternate the two? I think i've got one that would keep the REAL ESSENCE of the original whilst proving different enough to show that you've really branched out? How about?
I'm sooooooooooooooooo gay 8
Of course you wouldn't have to use 8 at the end that's just an example!? You could of course use a 4 or a 9 or a 2 or indeed any other number!!????!! Don't feel tied down? I'll leave it upto your discretion?
Re: a comment on Me, myself and I. by darby pyn |
16-Dec-03/6:40 AM |
Whenever i read -Blessed with a *- i want to blessed well do some blessed damage to the blessed meek and mild and blessed small furry blessing animals. Its so blessedly cack curdelingly blessed twee.
Re: a comment on A heart without keys by sliver |
16-Dec-03/6:21 AM |
What are you on about? Porn filmish?
"Oh yes oh yes give it to me. Fulfill my needs"?
Or did you mean Porn-Flemish. As in a niche market fulfilling your needs
Re: a comment on A pinch from the snuff box by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
16-Dec-03/5:41 AM |
Are you telling us a woman with a penis is original???!!?!?!?!?!?
Re: What I really needed by Shardik |
12-Dec-03/9:15 AM |
Re: What I really needed by Shardik |
12-Dec-03/9:13 AM |
have you got writters bloke?
you haven't written a poem for at least 2 minutes!!!
Re: EGG by ?-Dave_Mysterious-? |
12-Dec-03/9:09 AM |
surely one egg would have been un oeuf!!!!111
quack quack quack quack
Re: The Secrets Of Men by scitz |
5-Nov-03/4:37 AM |
Seasons in the cave (To the tune of seasons in the sun)
We are men we are deep
but our skins thin so we seep
but we patch up the seams
with your moisterizing creams
We are men we are boys
we like playing with our toys
But the drink not the song
make the games we play go wrong.
We are men we drink beer
and your twitter we don't hear
yet we go there sometimes
in attempts to cross the lines
We are men we arnt gay
well i'm not anyway
Can i borrow you bra
and i let you drive the car
We are men we give shaft
and we do it with great craft
but we're looking for signs
that your only groaning lines
We are men we are brave
we are apes who miss our cave
and the secrets of men
will be buried in our grave