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20 most recent comments by abecedarian (61-80)

Re: Para Sa Aking Sinta by NewbieMe 1-Jul-03/2:31 PM
How am I to place you in a nice neatly numbered category if I don't know what you are saying?

We need Tagalog for Dummies!
(at every sunrise we must all use a dictionary)

Oh well, points for speaking a language that I can't translate well enough to criticize you.

Re: Quisling & white wine by horus8 1-Jul-03/2:46 PM
An old woman sits on a park bench watching people pass by. She smiles as she watches a young skinhead walk by with his radio blaring some heavy metal song:
(It's "The song of choice" coopted by the fascist, or so Peggy Seeger tells me)
Re: Watching My Childhood Vanish by Caducus 1-Jul-03/3:01 PM
I had a friend who once a year burned everything that made him sentimental. I never asked him if he burned his spit pies. Do they burn?

(must be a nice collection of memories)
Re: Good prevails by DeadtotheWorld 1-Jul-03/3:06 PM
This poemmy poem poem would actually make a nice 2-10 minute animation if done right.

I like 'winged rats for as they seem'. Very old school construction (old like Will Shakey, not like Run DMC)
regarding some deleted poem... 3-Jul-03/1:46 PM
Re: Phone Support: To Lee by http://mulberryfairy 24-Jul-03/9:24 AM
They say that people who serve together in wartime form a bond closer than most people ever feel. You would do anything for your brother (sister).

Interesting twist that it wasn't a war that created the bond. Maybe rape is as tough as war.
Re: Voluptuous, Blonde Bird-Woman by http://mulberryfairy 24-Jul-03/9:27 AM
Tales from the front?
Re: Ode to a Fox Cub by http://mulberryfairy 25-Jul-03/9:42 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I was worried about exploring your poem too thoroughly when I found it lying here. An unhappy and overly visible grave for a poem like this.
Re: 8:45 AM Dentist Appointment by http://mulberryfairy 25-Jul-03/10:00 AM
You lied to your dentist!?

If you can't trust your friendly caring and sensitive dentist, who can you trust? Certainly not us!
Re: Lord of the Swines by <{Baba^Yaga}> 28-Jul-03/6:29 PM
This thing about put me in a legoleptic fit, so it certainly is a good thing that I am lamiacious, and therefore not affected by such afflictions. Certainly this is better than some of the the lalochezia that usually occurs here.
Re: Octopussed by <{Baba^Yaga}> 28-Jul-03/6:44 PM
I've seen several animals get the axe recently: a roach, a fox, and now an octopus. Fry them all up, I say, and lets have one last giant barbeque.
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Jul-03/6:46 PM
only half sly, but all poem
Re: DJ Bling Bling spins authenticity by Jeremi B. Handrinos 29-Jul-03/4:27 PM
DJ Jeremi spins irony. Huddie Ledbetter rolls in his grave.
regarding some deleted poem... 29-Jul-03/4:41 PM
Something about the dark (forbidden?) passion and secrecy of this poem definitely reminds me of Paris, but I guess I'm stuck on the title. This poem seems France heavy and England light. Or maybe it the contrast of England with France.
'Paris from England' for me recalls either the view of the mist of the hoverboat on its way to France from Dover, or the grey of a Paris train station surrounded by brown of french soldiers with machineguns.
I like this, but maybe a different title?
regarding some deleted poem... 30-Jul-03/11:57 AM
A thing is not a lie if there is some truth to't. This false beauty is more truthful than your outright deceit.

It is honest.
You are angry.

if no one understands something
that you understand, then
you have made fools of us all
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Aug-03/11:20 AM
Terribly lovely. They say the owl was the baker's daughter.
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Aug-03/12:02 PM
Your themes, every one of them... and all with a tone I can only describe as sentimental.

Of six billion people how many would have these exact sensitivities and express them in this way? At least one. Maybe more? Is it possible to recognize someone you once knew from a poem, or is it merely easy to recognize those we knew in others?
Re: Inet. mag. editors R jealous red haired Jews, oh and I'm 29 by horus8 7-Aug-03/10:53 AM
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Aug-03/12:48 PM
The birth of Dark Angel: fear she whirled to face me
wings streaming a circle behind her
and pulled me close
so that I could keep the darkness out

but I could not protect her
the darkness entered her
a vacuum waiting to devour

her skin ceased its glowing
and a rotting foul thing she became
first absinthe green and transclucent
then black and charred
finally to become part of the blackness itself

then as if a knife had slit the sheet of void
a dark angel appeared
a shade of what it was before.
Re: Musings: Willow Sculpture by SupremeDreamer 10-Aug-03/1:45 AM
(I'm currently drunk so take my words at that).

I really like the idea behind this poem, so humor me supreme. I think the use of 'stooped' in the first stanza is not a strong enough descriptor. I also think that the second stanza (the double use of leaves in particular) actually cheapens the sentiment behind what you are getting at.

We can all only wish that our poems weather like stone: lasting a mortal eternity, yet yielding to the wisdom of of those who tread after.

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