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20 most recent comments by Frass (141-160)

Re: A poem from the sky by Roisin 19-Jul-02/8:53 PM
Strong, descriptive, creative phrases for feelings in a romantic relationship. Somewhat of a disempowered female feel, though. As if the man is god; he's not.
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Jul-02/9:22 PM
All commentors, please direct your wrath at John Lennon, who, sadly, is no longer with us.
Re: nation by roses are read 31-Jul-02/5:23 PM
Spasms of creativity; get it together, roses.
regarding some deleted poem... 31-Jul-02/5:28 PM
Not sure who Prawne is; perhaps a tuxedo can make a gentleman out of a crayfish.
Re: overwhelmed by nentwined 31-Jul-02/5:32 PM
I think artist would be the most difficult ascent. I love the saying 'Art is Free'; but, as NRBQ once sang, 'there aint no free.'
Re: 22nd Anniversary by Frass 8-Aug-02/9:46 AM
Thank you, Zinnia. Bitter can be good, when hop bitterness balances malty sweetness in a fine beer. Do you mean 'the last' line in the poem? It's definitely meant to be a feel good poem. Check out my 'Billie's Threnody' for something different.
Re: drum circle by <~> 8-Aug-02/10:30 AM
You've got many creative ideas and scrumptious wordplay; internal rhymes, etc.
Re: To You, In Warmer Climes by <~> 8-Aug-02/10:32 AM
Zinnia, you are talented. Thanks for raising the bar on Poemranker.
Re: white harvest by <~> 8-Aug-02/8:37 PM
Dickensian? I'm way off. You put us, as readers, there.
Re: My Own World of Darkness by venusdemilo 10-Aug-02/10:10 PM
I hope this isn't really you. Let your poetry express, as with the medical term; vent. I'd like to read your poetry stemming from 'what I once thought before.'
Re: Salt by <~> 14-Aug-02/2:06 PM
Wonderful work, once again, from one of my favorite poets on poemranker. I've mentioned to you poets your work reminds me of; but, also consider the lyrics of Richard Thompson; particularly tunes like 'Shoot out the lights' and 'Just the motion.'
Re: To a Comet Passing by Frass 14-Aug-02/3:18 PM
Thanks, Bachus. Your poetry on this site is scary, your comments to many are wild; but, I appreciate you liking this poem.
Re: I LOVE YOUR HATE AND RIDICULE by http://janglingjack 14-Aug-02/9:07 PM
Firstly, I'm sorry for your loss. I give you a 9 for this poem, JJ. It leaps above the snarling, rank fog of cranky pretension and pointless crudity emitted by others on this site and overwhelms their derision with the immediacy of your strongly held feelings. Please stay on poemranker and submit more poetry.
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Aug-02/4:13 PM
Now you're cooking with KY, DA. Supersize it, keep it coming. Zzin got a little naughty, you got a little arty. Perhaps the 'mature' poets and phlegm hockers can...just get along.
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Aug-02/4:23 PM
Very involving; pulling in the attention of a computer user used to flitting from one thing to the next. Methinks you're a prose writer, as well.
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Aug-02/4:31 PM
I like the way babbit has fomented discussion amongst the rest of us with his artistry.
Re: Stray by Corey McHattan 15-Aug-02/4:40 PM
A consciousness raising poem; thank you, Corey. At my alma mater, George Mason U., bands of feral cats wander the campus, howling like lonely, lost soul choirs every night. Students regularly throw cats out at the end of the semester.
Re: Summer Son by Frass 16-Aug-02/8:04 PM
Thanks, mojo. Celebrating a two month old boy's existence in an autumn sunset.
regarding some deleted poem... 16-Aug-02/8:39 PM
Firstly, thanks for choosing a user name like Pete, given what some of us have come up with. 'Sea spray abandon' is a memorable phrase.
Re: The Messenger (The Unreplaceable And Greatly Missed Mr. Mercury) by anagram 16-Aug-02/8:51 PM
PAKI, isn't it about time you stuck a fucking sock in it? Thanks, Anagram, for a well worded tribute. I still work through Tie Yo Mutha Down to loosen up on the git. A, do they really batter and deep dry candy bars in Scotland?

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