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20 most recent comments by Frass (121-140)

Re: The Messenger (The Unreplaceable And Greatly Missed Mr. Mercury) by anagram 17-Aug-02/8:09 AM
Alright, 11am in VA, I'm up and doing what??? Refinishing my '59 Melody Maker, like I should? No, I'm logging back in to this damnable site. Thanks, Bachus, for a comment unusual for you, cogent, referential, intelligible; as a musician, do you know Every Body Gets Drunk At Elections? PAKI, I finally read some of your poetry; I like it much better than many of your wretchedly shallow comments. Frankly, I'd love to read more from Anagram; dude, I'm scots-american, I WILL visit the old country, it's gonna happen.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Aug-02/9:41 PM
Very refreshing to read your sincere and biting comments on the writer's art and lot. Read 'In my craft or sullen art' by Dylan Thomas. I am also a Doug, I just hide behind the German word for lichen.
Re: Reflected, Dreamed by Frass 18-Aug-02/10:09 PM
Thanks, PAKI. Cycle of existence deal. Your mission, you mangy whelp, should you choose to accept it; read 'Poem in October' by Dylan Thomas, out loud.
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Aug-02/12:36 PM
...Jesu, that's who. Keep trying YW.
Re: Devil, BEWARE!!! by gay 19-Aug-02/12:43 PM
I'd prefer -=No Angel=-. Submit something worth a damn and stop indulging your self-imagined refulgence. Have you tried Galoise cigarettes? They're delicious; have 5 packs, today.
Re: On a Forgotten Riot, Washington, DC, 1990 by dave78981 19-Aug-02/12:51 PM
Hot damn, Dave, socio-political commentary crackling like a Taser. Edit a little more before posting. 'Wild dancing shadows' is strong; 'carefully packaged...' is confusing. The last lines are memorable.
Re: Secret, Admirer by <~> 20-Aug-02/8:19 AM
Christof, you're gonna have to get in line with the rest of us who've had our fancies tickled by Zzin's wordsmithery. Other than the rare typo, how can I possibly criticize her poetry? I leave that to babbit11 and others at that level (methinks the two of them are really well known poets who are just teasing the rest of us on this site).
Re: The Precious Thing by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 20-Aug-02/10:09 PM
I give you phlegm hockers shite on this site; but, this I like. It falls loosely into the category of social commentary.
regarding some deleted poem... 20-Aug-02/10:14 PM
Moving a few commas might make it erotic, I think. Hone that ambition, wannabe.
regarding some deleted poem... 20-Aug-02/10:32 PM
Now just hold on one cottenpicken minute there, Zzin. I think the poet is trying to express something more urgent and real than plenty of other alternatingly pretentious and/or scatalogical rambling rantings clogging this site, and is just having difficulty expressing her ideas well in words. Have you considered, given her country, what her native language might be? Write us all a concrete poeme in the shape of the Phillipines, and do so in Tagalog.
regarding some deleted poem... 20-Aug-02/10:36 PM
...or, that could be in the shape of the Philippines.
Re: Ode to Poem Ranker by Lenore 21-Aug-02/4:09 PM
Alright; you've got relevant ideas, perspective. However, considering some of the things I've read on this site, I sincerely hope they don't come alive 'away into the words and deeds of others.' Submit more, Lenore.
regarding some deleted poem... 21-Aug-02/4:58 PM
Oh, so now you two like each other? Zzin + His spouse; mucho mojo a la femme. But, in this piece, where is Freya? I could see extending this to cover a larger number of female deities.
Re: Am I forgiven by da_dark_wan 22-Aug-02/10:43 AM
My, are you getting all persnickety lately, Zzin. Let's give those new to wordsmithery a chance to separate wheat from chaff. DDW, edit and prune your writing a little more, then submit it.
Re: Rainbow Tears by talking_goldfish 22-Aug-02/4:20 PM
Hang on, there, Stbr and Mphst, I'm nice, too. Just ask PAKI. The poem could use some tweaking.
regarding some deleted poem... 22-Aug-02/4:58 PM
GW, you're making an impact on this site. Your contributions to date elevate the debate; although, they do lean strongly towards strafing those of my gender role. Very personal and powerful. Your poetry, now, requires a mirrored response from a male poet on the subject of wicked wymyn.
Re: Questions to the Unknown by Mephisto 22-Aug-02/5:28 PM
You have some interesting ideas, try pruning this by about a fourth and honing the syllables and catch a few internal rhymes. Might make your perspective that much clearer.
Re: Communal ranking by ==Doylum 23-Aug-02/7:02 PM
Dylm, I don't like your bilious tripe, nor that of DA, H8, or any of the other roach spray sniffers on this site. Shove off and good riddance to yas.
Re: Three Daughters by <~> 24-Aug-02/10:25 AM
Dang me, I'm just a foundering foole for this sort of poetry. If you just reeled this one off, Zzin, I'm gonna scream in jealous enviousity. Methinks you, alot. Your capitalizing makes me wonder if you've hidden one more layer of riddle, or something.
regarding some deleted poem... 26-Aug-02/11:16 AM
I could see this put to music; somehow reminds me of 'This Flight Tonight' (Joni, Nazareth).

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