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Devil, BEWARE!!! (Haiku) by gay
With her by my side, I need never fear, -= li9h+_4nG3L =- is here!!!!

Up the ladder: This is Bad
Down the ladder: Lonely

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10  .. 12
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Arithmetic Mean: 3.2142856
Weighted score: 3.6945384
Overall Rank: 13550
Posted: August 19, 2002 8:50 AM PDT; Last modified: August 19, 2002 9:31 AM PDT
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[0] Frass @ | 19-Aug-02/12:43 PM | Reply
I'd prefer -=No Angel=-. Submit something worth a damn and stop indulging your self-imagined refulgence. Have you tried Galoise cigarettes? They're delicious; have 5 packs, today.
[n/a] Bachus @ | 19-Aug-02/12:56 PM | Reply
Pehaps you are the midget chick from poltergeist? if you fondel your medicine bag with your nipples teped down and your diaphram on your forehead wearing your father's briefcase as a tucks medicated pad, your magic will travel farther faster.
[n/a] gay @ | 19-Aug-02/1:10 PM | Reply
Huh? dammit! I thoght this was an anonymous site! (Actually i'm the love-child of the midget chick from poltergeist, and yoda is my father, so all those 'aprentices' out there better watch what they say, or I'm telling daddy!) I generally like to tape my nipple up, rather than down, and I find that ben gay does wondrous things, when applied to the proper mucous membrane. There. You have it. my secrets are out! Fast and furius, my magick is!
[0] razorgrin @ | 19-Aug-02/1:17 PM | Reply
New levels of something....not quite sure what the something is. Learn to spell, god damn you!
[2] Tarquin De La Bog @ | 19-Aug-02/1:42 PM | Reply
Should this be sung to the theme music of Mighty Mouse? It's certainly bad enough. 2. Sir, in submitting material such as this, I can only conclude that you are an egomaniac, a total prat, or more than likely, both.
[0] <~> @ | 19-Aug-02/7:18 PM | Reply
uh oh. looks like there's someone more l33t than D.A. in the house....
[4] Robert K Foster @ | 17-Sep-02/7:26 AM | Reply
I failed math.
[8] penguin fiend @ | 20-Jan-04/7:20 PM | Reply
no angel is better than a light angel, my quasi-yoda friend...please don't take that as a bad thing, never stop writing, cuz i like reading what people say about poetry they don't understand, 'tis quite funny, I give you an 8
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