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20 most recent comments by Frass (81-100)

regarding some deleted poem... 9-Sep-02/9:13 PM
I like the openly shared emotions and sense of connectedness to others your poems evoke, GW. Makes me think of Dylan T.'s 'After the Funeral.'
Re: Russian Roulette by <~> 9-Sep-02/9:23 PM
The tragedy and harrowing experience reflected here saddens the reader; but, the quality of your writing provides energizing redemption. 'Crazy, maybe... but surely kind' certainly reminds me of people I've known.
Re: My cousin's baby sitter. by Bachus 9-Sep-02/9:26 PM
Misogynistic pap.
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Sep-02/9:36 PM
This may not be a Haiku, but I like it's unabashed directness. How about 'God; loving kindness...But, I'll likely go to hell...Where was my error?
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Sep-02/9:58 PM
Hot damn, PAKI, you're on a writing binge this evening. Two for you.
Re: Pigeons by Limness 11-Sep-02/8:59 PM
Very good poem, Lmnss. Love the alliteration and wordplay. What does 'toll the Matins' mean?
Re: A missing puzzle piece. by trev086 11-Sep-02/9:04 PM
Thanks for writing something on this issue, Trev; you've got more guts than I do. What is the addition to our heart?
Re: Mermaid at Dawn by <~> 11-Sep-02/9:12 PM
You do the blue poetry so well. Make every word count; you're so close.
Re: Like and Unlike by Christof 12-Sep-02/7:14 PM
I like your poetry, Christof. Not sure I understand 'unknown dully', though. How about 'as a moth's wing'? I think of a butterfly's wing as being colourful, not mottled. I reread your poems, dood.
Re: A Dream Awakened by impaired 12-Sep-02/7:36 PM
Impaired, if couples could have relationships like this, there'd be no divorce.
regarding some deleted poem... 12-Sep-02/9:05 PM
I like your poetry, and this poem. I've reread it, yet can't understand the last lines; however, I find a little obscura cast by this site's better poets a tasty challenge.
Re: Original words (spectacularly stolen) by Bachus 18-Sep-02/1:20 PM
Alright, dammit, I'm starting to like your shite. Mute nostril agony.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Sep-02/1:33 PM
Dangit, now I've given Darko a 7, my highest vote for him, yet, but only because of the mirth inducing relevance of this poeme to H8's absurd alter ego bio. This is what I LOVE on p'ranker; one site roach negativist flailing at another. Perhaps we can get PAKI and Dylm involved and the whole tangling ball of puss that these cranky, whining fucks are will go rolling off the edge of the virtual landscape forever.
Re: Circle by Christof 19-Sep-02/9:59 AM
Strong material, Chrstf. I like 'beond the limits of the sensory.' Jolly good.
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Sep-02/10:07 AM
We men may be able to set our watches by ya'll's moods, but which timezone would we end up in? Eastern Aphrodite Time. Very good poem.
Re: quickie by <~> 19-Sep-02/6:16 PM
Methinks you have a libido; nice work.
Re: Bathroom Angel Crusade by royalflesh 19-Sep-02/6:25 PM
You've got creative, scary ideas. Much better than some others who've tried this sort of poetry on this site.
Re: Bitter as Wormwood by vulcan 20-Sep-02/12:30 PM
I like it, Vlcn. I just sampled some brewed wormwood extractive from a local herbal school here in northern Virginia; it was bitter. I'll have to check out Blok's work.
regarding some deleted poem... 23-Sep-02/7:39 AM
Lovely, GW. I'm currently working on a tune with my band that's a mambo; never have figured out all the tango, mambo, samba, differences. This poem has a lilting rhythm. Would a comma go well after "The wind,..." ?
Re: Here In The Heart of Amber by Lenore 23-Sep-02/10:56 AM
Right on, Lenore. Would "death, life are one" help rhythm? Also, do you want to capitalize Amber, suggesting a woman's name, or leave as lower case, and thus up to the reader's imagination?

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