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20 most recent comments by irishfolksuicide and replies
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Re: a comment on Decks of Cards (So Long to the City) by wilco 6-Jun-04/2:49 PM
The old problem of eugenics. The fit, they think they have nothing to fear, but anyone existing at any point in time will eventually be rid of themselves as their own perfection is polarised in future generations. May I introduce the concept of perfect +1 at this point.
Re: a comment on Dear M Foucault, or, How I knew our relationship was doomed by zodiac 20-Apr-04/9:35 AM
Earlier today you wrote a less than eloquent poeme about what a set of wasters poemranker residents were. You have spent since then voting low scores on everybody.

What the hell is that [all about].
Re: #20 by mikejedw 20-Apr-04/9:24 AM
the, with, by, the, on. Five syllables gone saying nothing, that is a whole line.
Re: a comment on Keeper of Faces by annabellee 9-Feb-04/10:43 AM
Do you mean "the rest is quite good, zippy", should be in quotation marks because it is a line I have plagiarised from george or bungal?
Re: Keeper of Faces by annabellee 9-Feb-04/10:28 AM
The end is trite. The idea that yes there is a meaning to life is one which you can not adequately defend.

The rest of it is quite good, zippy.
Re: Keeper of Faces by annabellee 9-Feb-04/10:27 AM
wherefore art thou guilded age of long ago?

Re: a comment on After the ice season ~ shamelessly lewd revision by zodiac 9-Feb-04/10:24 AM
The first two lines of this are made up of a premise, and a question predicated on given premise ---> pause

It is not unreasonable for the reader to make the same pause at the end of the second two lines.

Also as the brain organises stimuli together, things that rhyme will also tend towards forming their own discrete block.

The combination of expecting a couplet, line break and rhyme really do I think signal to the reader, end.

I can read it better if sunk starts the fifth line.
Re: a comment on The Mocking Bird by Caducus 8-Feb-04/2:12 PM
as ever
Re: The Mocking Bird by Caducus 8-Feb-04/2:11 PM
As sun is the same colour of jaundice, it is unlikely to take it away, just a thought.

The hand around finger bit at the start is a nice touch to tell the reader you are talking about a baby.

Re: Secrets by gouvchick 8-Feb-04/2:06 PM
Fine as far as it goes. The best haikus though are nature ones which portray a bond between images. There is no image here just abstract.
Re: After the ice season ~ shamelessly lewd revision by zodiac 8-Feb-04/2:03 PM
Good, a few nits.

Lines 4-9 seem choppy compared to the rest. I am not sure carrying on a sentence on the next line when you have just rhymes drunk with sunk works.

For me the sunk rhyme stops the piece before the new line.
Re: a comment on Fastened to my belt by irishfolksuicide 27-Jan-04/3:05 PM
The contrition is the remorse shown by the first person 'I', towards the priest.
Re: Kernel of truth by annabellee 27-Jan-04/1:23 PM
Try with a couple of startling images. Otherwise the poem is quite difficult to grasp. Not badly written.
Re: My Life As a Single Teenage Girl by Princess_Snowflake 27-Jan-04/1:21 PM
Older enough to do it is not grammatical. Try stopping the haiku at 'until I'm older' only 23 syllables then.
Re: a comment on Captain Cannibal by Lenore 27-Jan-04/10:07 AM
That is to say, you did not invent literacy, neither did you invent rhyme or alliteration or enjambment. All of these help you to write a poem, on what grounds do you think education can teach you no more?
Re: a comment on Captain Cannibal by Lenore 27-Jan-04/9:50 AM
nisi ex nihilo fit
Re: Sissy Faggot by Shardik 27-Jan-04/7:58 AM
peter is always such a coy word to use, nice juxtaposition with wipes it on me.
Re: We Need To Buy Socks, Michael by Fear of Garbage 27-Jan-04/7:53 AM
Afraid I could not work out the last two lines. Which is a shame because the poem built up well.
Re: a comment on Under a better bed wetter by Shardik 27-Jan-04/7:48 AM
neither I do?
Re: Lullaby by Goad 27-Jan-04/7:47 AM
The war bit and the pills bit look as if they shouldn't be there. Otherwise nicely told

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