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Under a better bed wetter (Lyric) by Shardik
Standing on my bed, staring at the coffee can Pondering when all of this bed wetting began People at my church may say that I’m getting lazy They still haven’t seen the other side of my mattress "I’ve never been able to let myself get better" Cause I always seem to be under a better bed wetter And it’s just gonna stay that way forever, since that son of a bitch purchased the top bunk. I’ll never go back to the way I used to bed miss Because, a good wetting does not grant me such bliss Life is a pissed bed, and happiness is a goal Since there’s never enough time to hit the bless'd bowl. Feeling like I’m gonna just toss and turn Laying way back, I watch my swollen bladder churn Everyone seems to be bed wetting lugubriously Finding me a dream where one can piss endlessly But if happiness is life’s last yellow led better? I’ll still be lying under the world's best bed wetter. I watch my window get pounded by pee Wondering if there is a cleaner way to communicate my plea? Yet, I’ve never been able to let go of my bladder better? I merely seem to be under an Olympic bed wetter.

Up the ladder: waiting in my own way
Down the ladder: A Poet's Rifle

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Arithmetic Mean: 5.1666665
Weighted score: 5.0448236
Overall Rank: 6988
Posted: August 20, 2003 12:56 PM PDT; Last modified: January 26, 2004 9:54 PM PST
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[10] J.B. Manning @ | 20-Aug-03/1:09 PM | Reply
I love this. It's disgusting and beautiful at the same time. Like life.
[n/a] Shardik @ > J.B. Manning | 20-Aug-03/1:12 PM | Reply
It's a parody of John K's under the weather. Ah, that'd be about five or six poems down on the recent chart.
[10] DreamerSupreme @ | 20-Aug-03/2:37 PM | Reply
as always, you made john look like a moron.. course, you could of left it unparodied.. it speaks for itself lmao. 10.
[n/a] deleted user @ > DreamerSupreme | 12-Feb-04/3:47 PM | Reply
yep, this one DEFINITELY makes me feel stupid.
[1] deleted user @ | 1-Oct-03/7:34 PM | Reply
Maybe some structure?

Standing on my bed
staring at the coffee can
when all of this bed wetting
at my church may say
that I’m getting lazy
They still
haven’t seen the other side of my mattress
"I’ve never been able to
let myself get better"
Cause I always seem to be
under a better bed wetter
And it’s j
ust gonna stay that way forever because
he purchased the

top bunk
[8] zodiac @ | 26-Jan-04/10:29 PM | Reply
I don't get 'used to bed miss'.
[n/a] Shardik @ > zodiac | 26-Jan-04/11:02 PM | Reply
Either do I, you want to maybe stick it in the microwave and see what it does?
[n/a] irishfolksuicide @ > Shardik | 27-Jan-04/7:48 AM | Reply
neither I do?
[8] clumseYdaiseY @ | 27-Jan-04/1:38 AM | Reply
pathetic but adorable :)
[1] Bobjim @ | 27-Jan-04/4:55 AM | Reply
Two words:
Retard poem.
That is all.
[4] nentwined @ | 2-Jul-08/2:35 AM | Reply
hilarious, but doesn't really do it for me as a poem. goes on a bit much, and while you get kudos on "lugubriously", ... eh. thanks for the cheer anyway :)

I know you weren't going for "quality", but there's room for art in it anyway. Though one man's art is another's bed wetting, sure...
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