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20 most recent comments by irishfolksuicide
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Re: Halloween by ramtheman1 19-Oct-03/6:28 AM
I think the term 'Limerick' may have been copyrighted by someone else.

It is a verse where line 1,2,5 rhyme, and 3,4 rhyme.
regarding some deleted poem... 21-Oct-03/9:28 AM
Cute little snippet, relieved it was about death in a very light hearted way.
regarding some deleted poem... 31-Dec-03/3:13 PM
Yes I once new a nice jewish girl. We split up because she abhorred my opinions on the holocaust. I didn't have any opinions, told her I didn't even know there had been one.

Oh well, anyway a nicely written poem
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Jan-04/1:33 PM
Note to self:-

'You would do well to pay attention to the confusion engendered by your poetry and even your attempts at clarification. This and your previous poems show that you have an ability to come up with striking images and metaphors from time to time, but they always get lost in grammar/syntax that is simply poor, and a linguistic style that is bafflingly alien and makes me wonder if English is a second language for you. Given the unclear quality of your "clarification," I would suggest a grounding in basic communication prior to moving on to advanced endeavors such as poetry.'

regarding some deleted poem... 9-Jan-04/1:37 PM
The laughing gnome fallen victim to an axe attack.
Re: Acrylic Sunrise by MacFrantic 9-Jan-04/1:43 PM

pink, orange, gold, amber.

Not bad but I have never seen midnight grey, and the midnight is already blue so there is not need to mention violet skies (a bit of a colour clash too).
Re: Our world by 47Ronin 27-Jan-04/7:44 AM
there is a sound to irony, and this is not far off.
Re: Lullaby by Goad 27-Jan-04/7:47 AM
The war bit and the pills bit look as if they shouldn't be there. Otherwise nicely told
Re: We Need To Buy Socks, Michael by Fear of Garbage 27-Jan-04/7:53 AM
Afraid I could not work out the last two lines. Which is a shame because the poem built up well.
Re: Sissy Faggot by Shardik 27-Jan-04/7:58 AM
peter is always such a coy word to use, nice juxtaposition with wipes it on me.
Re: My Life As a Single Teenage Girl by Princess_Snowflake 27-Jan-04/1:21 PM
Older enough to do it is not grammatical. Try stopping the haiku at 'until I'm older' only 23 syllables then.
Re: Kernel of truth by annabellee 27-Jan-04/1:23 PM
Try with a couple of startling images. Otherwise the poem is quite difficult to grasp. Not badly written.
Re: After the ice season ~ shamelessly lewd revision by zodiac 8-Feb-04/2:03 PM
Good, a few nits.

Lines 4-9 seem choppy compared to the rest. I am not sure carrying on a sentence on the next line when you have just rhymes drunk with sunk works.

For me the sunk rhyme stops the piece before the new line.
Re: Secrets by gouvchick 8-Feb-04/2:06 PM
Fine as far as it goes. The best haikus though are nature ones which portray a bond between images. There is no image here just abstract.
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Feb-04/2:07 PM
So true.
Re: The Mocking Bird by Caducus 8-Feb-04/2:11 PM
As sun is the same colour of jaundice, it is unlikely to take it away, just a thought.

The hand around finger bit at the start is a nice touch to tell the reader you are talking about a baby.

Re: Keeper of Faces by annabellee 9-Feb-04/10:27 AM
wherefore art thou guilded age of long ago?

Re: Keeper of Faces by annabellee 9-Feb-04/10:28 AM
The end is trite. The idea that yes there is a meaning to life is one which you can not adequately defend.

The rest of it is quite good, zippy.
regarding some deleted poem... 10-Feb-04/4:13 AM
The nothing more nothing less parts are not needed I think. The reader should come to his own conclusion on the interplay between the two.

Other than that, really good, certainly one of the most polished I have seen.
Re: #20 by mikejedw 20-Apr-04/9:24 AM
the, with, by, the, on. Five syllables gone saying nothing, that is a whole line.

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