Re: Belle Melange/The Curse of Millhaven by lmp |
9-Jun-12/4:50 AM |
excuse my ignorance....but isn't this already a poem/ballad? as you say by nick cave? If that's the case then what it this?
Re: My One Regret by nypoet22 |
9-Jun-12/4:56 AM |
nice ...but..your breaks are off a little...
if i'd thought
i wouldn't see you again
i would not have stopped
at the elevator
Re: The Cat Goddess by nypoet22 |
9-Jun-12/5:02 AM |
once again my ignorance prevails...but valor and greater don't work with me...could be my british upbringing...adore the power within her being...could be because i am a leo
Re: Outliers by nypoet22 |
9-Jun-12/5:05 AM |
wow..what a great start....and then so boring and mundane...stick to the point...don't wallow in it
Re: Weather Poem 16 - Right and Wrong by nypoet22 |
9-Jun-12/5:06 AM |
Re: I found you. by Gillon |
9-Jun-12/5:10 AM |
what is this??? have you ever read poetry?? fuck me! what are you 25 words or less please
Re: Thoughts by Moauram |
9-Jun-12/5:12 AM |
vaccum filled pregnat hours..*sigh*...
Re: Rimming by wDaphnew |
9-Jun-12/5:14 AM |
Re: it is my turn this season by daniella |
9-Jun-12/5:17 AM |
Re: Inbox by Roisin |
9-Jun-12/5:18 AM |
Re: think_bot12@_adage by skaskowski |
9-Jun-12/5:21 AM |
I haven't had so much fun since colonic irrigation..a real movement at last
Re: ~Methinks~ by wDaphnew |
9-Jun-12/5:23 AM |
did u get a thesaurus for your b/day? congrats
Re: A dream world by alvinb |
9-Jun-12/5:26 AM |
if you can't describe it...then how can we imagine it...that's the work of use words...c'mon give it to me
Re: Liar by Roisin |
9-Jun-12/5:33 AM |
i could eat this with a spoon...yum
Re: The Spell(Alice part I) by alvinb |
30-Aug-12/6:52 AM |
what is wrong with the first line? should read skies have or sky has...
Re: A mag that PAYS??? by SupremeDreamer |
17-Feb-13/2:03 AM |
this is why Bukowski hated people
Re: what is poetry 101 by Skamper |
24-Mar-13/4:32 AM | we get to the gist of the review...the form is mute. Your need to vent your childish/spitefulness is forefront. No matter how much you SHOUT doesn't make you right. An opinion is valid only with genuine thought.
Re: A mag that PAYS??? by SupremeDreamer |
24-Mar-13/4:37 AM |
lol....really LOL...not shouting...just highlighting mirth...
Re: what is poetry 101 by Skamper |
20-Apr-14/12:29 AM |
first of all...thankyou for your passion and extreme reaction...forgoing the obvious, that you really need sedation or at the very least intervention. I know I am a POET, and you are merely another wannabe nay-sayer who, will felicitate my rise to fame. Skamper
Re: Pandora's Box by Edna Sweetlove |
20-Apr-14/1:07 AM |
omg..10 just for your steadfast, persistence to this site..x