Weather Poem 16 - Right and Wrong (Free verse) by nypoet22
Everyone mentions
the weather
I want you
to remember me
I want to read
to you
walk with you
teach you to stand
up straight
when we hug
Kiss every square
of your skin, make
you come so hard
You're hanging
from the moon
by your toes
Watch my lips outline
a photograph
a story
whisper your eyes
into sleep
If you want me
I will wait
a day
a month
a year
You lie down
and let me
lie with you
But if you cannot
the lines
between us blurred
kissing breathless
wet with raindrops
Tell me to go
stand as you do
eyes downcast
Lips pulled tight
clenched as if
to open them
would break my grin
I have been
broken before
by lips curled more
cruelly than yours
Unleash your tongue
words will not
tear me
Open the gates
to your fear
with all
its jagged teeth
If this
is goodbye
I will not lose
my consciousness
of the second
hand winding
its path
from three to nine
From now until
the next
thousand miles
Votes: (green: user, blue: anonymous)
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1 | 0 |
Arithmetic Mean: 2.6666667
Weighted score: 4.72186
Overall Rank: 11917
Posted: August 12, 2011 7:38 AM PDT; Last modified: March 24, 2012 10:11 AM PDT
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