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20 most recent comments by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. (101-120)

Re: Math Poem 3 by Dovina 4-Jan-05/10:01 AM
This poeme is a stain on the face of mathematics, and a stain on the bum of literature (literature has no face, because it is obscured by a giant bum).

Again, it is mathematically uninteresting. On reading your defence of its simplicity, it became clear you have no idea about how mathematicians work. You say the protagonist's assertion that "for all x: x/(x/3)=3" has to be simple so as to eliminate any doubt. This is stupid for two reasons:

1. No mathematician doubts a theorem, because it is true by definition. The question is: how do we know if a mathematical assertion, e.g. "for all x: x/(x/3)=3", is a theorem? Answer: We obtain a proof of it (or a counter-example, if it is not a theorem). If we can find a proof of the assertion, how in Sodomy can you doubt it? It may be an incredibly complicated proof that only a genius would understand, but this is not true in most cases. It's also the case that a proof, if written out to a suitable degree of formalism, can be checked by a computer. It is therefore perfectly feasible for your dweeb to have come up with some interesting mathematics that was not open to doubt.

2. You shoot yourself in the bum because while the protagonist's assertion is a simple one, as a mathematician he has every reason at least to question it, since he has not obtained a proof. Note that showing an assertion holds for 1, 6, 7, log 7, and (2^(1/3))^(1/8) is not grounds for generalising to all x!
Re: Dying In The Corner by Zalev 4-Jan-05/1:30 PM
O wayward minstrel! Bestill thy warbling tongue! Thine irksome ballads tumble like elves 'pon the ears of wailing Netherfolk!
Re: The Widow Bird by Bhaskaryya 4-Jan-05/2:02 PM
"But none could appreciate the pain
That lurked behind that melancholic strain"

O how often I have felt like that, as naked, lewd, and writhing, I toil o'er the pit. And in the garden, do not womenfolk and dung-cherubs behold my wails? And yet they pay but little heed. For 'tis oft' heard told, in the wooded glades of Derbyshire, that 'tis sweet and proper for an Gentleman to labour ere he casts stool. I daresay such whisperings hold little comfort for those forced to dine on rock-porridge and boiled chestnuts. O Jesu! Becalm my gnashing buttocks!
Re: Dying In The Corner by Zalev 5-Jan-05/12:12 AM
Fantasising about killing yourself is the most worthwhile thing you will ever do.
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Jan-05/6:31 PM
The Lord isn't a shepherd any more. That was ages ago, before He acquired the Golden Fleece of Ram-Naba-Ka'zaa', and spontaneously transformed into a First Level Spirit Mage +2. And what become of his flock? Well after obtaining a 2:1 in combined media studies at Loughborough University, the Lord approached various broadcasting companies throughout the UK and obtained sponsorship to develop a fleet of robotronic hobo shepherds. These autonomous hobotrons now serve all the Lord's shepherding needs, giving Him more time to concentrate on His hobbies, which include football, swimming, and designing multimedia business presentations.

That was in 1997. He spent the next five years trying to apply is combined media skills commercially. After several failed attempts to market his multimedia business presentation toolkits, He now lives alone in North Derbyshire, where He has set up a small business selling acorns. -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 16-Jan-05/5:11 AM
I think in a very real sense, we are all pregnant with our own demises. Some get that way but bottling up their emotions and forgetting to parp, others by having unprotected sex on a daily basis. Actually most people do a combination of both, but some, like Mother Teresa, never had sex with anything, so her demise was ultimately brought about by almost a century spent bottling up emotions and forgetting to parp. When she eventually did snuff it, they tell me her parp was heard as far north as Derbyshire.
Re: Sounds by Dovina 18-Jan-05/12:28 PM
Yes it's fascinating how sounds change, isn't it? Yes, it is.
Re: Conjugate the verb by wFraser Allonby Q.C.w 22-Jan-05/5:04 AM
quendavisti. vide!

Re: Satan's Pillar: The Wisdom of Heresy. by SupremeDreamer 30-Jan-05/5:11 AM
you wally
Re: Ceylon Cries by Mona Lisa 3-Feb-05/4:42 AM
Surely Allah's tears do not need cleansing? Unless you think they become sullied when a load of Sri Lankan's live on top of them. By God you're probably right :(
Re: Bleed ,Rip and Tear by NoSage 15-Feb-05/2:06 AM
In Gethsemane, Jesu asked of the Lord (Matthew 26: 39) "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." Clearly Jesu thought, on the off chance, that the Lord (who was also Jesu) may have known of a different, less grotesque method of cleansing us of our sins, and was only sending Jesu to His death more or less on a whim. Alas this was not so, but does it not portray the Bearded Carpenter during a momentary lapse into lukewarmedness? Good Christ I hope not.
Re: Little Fly by PodPoet 15-Feb-05/2:18 AM
An extraordinarily insightful poeme. Right from the opening couplet:

"There used to be a little fly
Who saw the world through all her eyes"

I knew that whatever followed was destined to be "unbelievably profound." Clearly what the world needs is more flies, more love from above, more presents for Saddam Hussein, and more religion. Especially in the Middle East. Flawless -10-
Re: Never... by jessicazee 15-Feb-05/2:25 AM
"lean on the strong things
that marrow"

What the hell does that mean :( -10-
Re: The Man I Love by Dovina 15-Feb-05/6:13 AM
But can he be black? Can he be black...
Re: Hunter Thompson, In The Off Beat Chance Of Cunnilingus by horus8 23-Feb-05/4:11 PM
My favourite bit is "Geffen passed around a wooden box full of drugs."
Re: Hunger by Dovina 23-Feb-05/4:16 PM
Are your breasts floppy?
Re: It’s the Management by Dovina 27-Feb-05/2:49 AM
9/11 was a tradegy for all concerned. But I think the term "boss man" contains redundancy, because all bosses are men by default. You might also consider replacing "lesser" with "female" :( -no vote-
Re: For Junior by PodPoet 1-Mar-05/11:54 PM
Love/Above List

Prayer of life (Other) by njuGold
In weakness, in suffering, and mercy to love
More spiritually, more gracefully as below and much as above

Was it Me?? (Free verse) by ga_writer
You were my angel sent from above,
Sent here for me to shower you with my love.

Angel (Free verse) by Butterfly1120
She to me is an angel.
One sent from up above.
Here to give, and not recieve,
someone with so much love.

The meaning of Love (Free verse) by The Slender Blade
What is this?
An angel in heaven?
No, this is love,
From the skies above.

Child of my Buttocks (Lyric) by -=Dark_Angel=-
For Jesu's legendary scorn
Is pitiful, and flawed by Love.
The greatest anguish from Above

Song For My Soulmate (Lyric) by John K
Have you ever seen to people madly in love?
They've been given a gift from their God above.

Forbidden Love (Ode) by crystal lane swift
I know He is watching from above,
Is our moment all a dream?
Why must this be a forbidden love?

Am I Good Enough? (Free verse) by crystal lane swift
I want nothing more than for you to return my love.
I write pretty lines for you about the heavens above.

An Angel (Lyric) by broken_wing11
An angel walked thru the gates today
Into His heavens up above
An angel has been blessed
She left us with her love

A.E.G. (Free verse) by nowhereman
How can you say you feel no love
for me, I hold you so high above

Goodbye (Free verse) by Sunshine Conkey
Maybe someday he'll find true love
Just know "sunshine" will be watching from above.

Sent from Above (Free verse) by Sugarbbybuttrfly
Time passed and we spoke move
and soon we fell in love
And in my heart I knew it was true
this love was from above

Essential Love (Other) by CharismaAllOver
when God made you, God made love
from high in heaven high above.

Good Love (Free verse) by w~* ATHENA *~w
what makes a good love
does it come from above

I Love You (Free verse) by babyBOOMER
I Will Never Compromise My Love
Yet Dreaming Takes Me Far Away
Of a Woman Lying above

lost love (Free verse) by cherish
My head aches from heartaches of my lost love.
Also in hopes of one day being together one day up above.

Love (Sonnet) by simone_girard
I do believe the lord above
Created you for me to love

Symbol Of Love (Sonnet) by simone_girard
So they say goodbye to their symbol of love
As their baby moves on to god above

You Give Me Love (Free verse) by Free2Rhyme15
The brightest star shinning, in the sky above
Is nothing to you the person who gives me love.

love 2 (Free verse) by little_angel_maria
as i've failed in all of the above,
I admit by chance maybe i just fell in love

Tragic Love (Sonnet) by WithoutLife
A heart that can never be given away
To the one I truly love,
Must forever wonder astray
Was it condemned from above?

It's All 'Cause I Love You (Free verse) by Tigger8023
You're the perfect star in the sky above,
The one I wish upon with all my love.

My One True Love (Lyric) by Hooman
We'll reach out to the mystery above,
For we have the blessing of our fate,
As you are my one and only true love.

My Guardian Angel (Limerick) by ramtheman1
I know my mom's in the heavens above,
Watching over us all with lots of love.

My Angel (Free verse) by baby_d
You have proved to be an angel,
Sent from heaven above.
To bring back to me,
The faith I had lost in Love.

The Angel at the arcade (this is actually an 'acne') (Pimple) by scitz
I have fell deep in love,
She’s an Angel from the sky above.

LIKE AN ANGEL (Free verse) by jeremy bjelland
She has lots of love,
Just like an angel from above.

Angel (Lyric) by mistaric
You’re an angel,
Sent from up above
You’re an angel,
You’re the one I love

Little Fly (Other) by PodPoet
Spread the germ known as love
Sent from somewhere up above

For Junior (Other) by PodPoet
Rainbow spreading above
As loneliness becomes love
Re: The Artist by Dreammaker1024 2-Mar-05/12:48 AM
By all accounts, Black mothers are ace. The same cannot be said of Black fathers, who seem to get a lot of bad press. "The majority of African American children live in homes without their fathers." Similar parps ring true in the Afro Carribean community in Britain. Three questions pull down their trousers and vault out of all this muss: Who is responsible? What can be done about it? And who on Earth is going to put it into action?
Re: Don't Ask, Don't Tell by PodPoet 2-Mar-05/3:39 AM
Is gayness a systemic problem in the Marines? Or are they merely blighted by a few bad eggs? The omelette that is homosexualism is rotten indeed, and like all rotten omelettes it spreads, planting new omelette seeds wherever its omelette legs may carry it. Make no mistake: omelettism is more than just a pertinent analogy, it's a fact of life. All that's left is for us to ask ourselves, "How do we stamp out a breeding omelette?" Simple. We place it in the middle of The Bible, and slam the book shut. Case closed. Omelette absorbed. -10-

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