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20 most recent comments by blindwriter
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Re: Social Parody by skaskowski 20-Nov-04/3:17 AM
It's got a cleverly abstract quality.
Like something I would write.
Except not quite splendidly idiotic.
I have a feeling it was written out of boredom and absolute mindlessness.
Re: the absent-minded walk on the proverbial mountainside of nothingness + my mother's old tampons by skaskowski 20-Nov-04/3:33 AM
i am disgraced by posting here.
i'm sure you didn't mean this as intelligence at all.
there is a classification of poetry that is so entirely abstract in its imagery that it is clever. However, that form of poeticism is carefully written. Yours is obviously a piece of mockery. But I like it.
Re: Remus by Blurred Crusade 20-Nov-04/3:35 AM
Quite an enchanting narrative.
The scenery is beautiful. Your line-division, masterfully utilized.
Nice work.
regarding some deleted poem... 20-Nov-04/3:36 AM
Makes little sense in the end...
However, your thought pattern is clever.
The rhyming scheme is cute, but the rhythm leaves a little to be desired.
Re: The Ebony Orchid of Theta by Shardik 20-Nov-04/7:21 PM
A few trite lines here and there, but overall a good read.
Re: The darkest woods ever by Shardik 20-Nov-04/7:23 PM
Here again, several useless inserts that, contrary to popular opinion, don't serve to hold a piece together, but depreciate it's value.
I like the third stanza. Masterful.
Re: Maiden, Maiden by blindwriter 21-Nov-04/10:09 PM
I understand, and I sympathize.
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Nov-04/2:23 AM
very cute.
quite whimsical and tranquil...
very nice.
i don't like the spacing...quite.
but you've got my 8.
Re: entangling my sweetheart sinks by skaskowski 28-Nov-04/2:31 AM
morbidly unamusing.
SEEK OUT A NOVEL THEME! Don't be squelched by the waters of cliche! I know it's a temptation to resort to EASY, readymade topics...but it's not good.
Very nice imagery, though. You've got my six.
Re: Open my bum Oh Lord (Museheart parody) By Jesus Niggerstein by Bachus 28-Nov-04/2:33 AM
this is very disgusting.
any idiot can amuse the ants of the world by being a diabolical freak.
try something challenging.
Re: Jesus, I funneled enough beer to marry that? by Bachus 28-Nov-04/2:37 AM
that's a bit talented.
it's still freaking disgusting.
attempt something clean, please.
it's much easier to write freak-of-nature poetry than it is ordinary poetry...
it cuts half of the vocabulary out when you can't use perverted language.
Re: Chocolate Rabbit Ears & Gay Sex by Bachus 28-Nov-04/2:38 AM
my favorite of all of yours.
not quite as diabolical as the others.
and very full of imagery...
i actually like it.
you've got my 9.
Re: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow by thepinkbunnyofdoom 3-Apr-05/11:06 PM
Well-devised. Very steady. Three thumbs up.
Re: untitled by darby pyn 3-Apr-05/11:06 PM
Re: Buried at Sea by brazen 3-Apr-05/11:08 PM
But concise and full of yummy imagery.
Re: Road to Recovery by thepinkbunnyofdoom 3-Apr-05/11:12 PM
i only like the ending.
the rest is cliche after cliche.
there's a bit here and there but not enough to stand out.
not bad or anything...just mediocre.
Re: Listless Nights by blindwriter 4-Apr-05/4:24 AM
I have been trying to attain a certain level of abstract and visonarianism...but I don't seem to be able to manage. Probably not super enough to attempt the impossible.
You're right about turbid. Will take your advice and try something a little simpler and easier to grasp.
As for this poem, it was an experiment with a general tone, there really is no meaning...a slight parallel maybe...but no beginning or end.
Re: Unfinished Warrior by PodPoet 4-Apr-05/4:39 AM
Ferociousness is cumbersome. Especially as the rest of your poem is full of simple, short words. Try ferocity.
I really like it. I really do. Don't know exactly why.

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