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20 most recent comments by Blindproject217 and replies
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Re: moments lost in adversity by brazen 28-Apr-03/11:13 PM
Im not so sure you could live by the ignorance of someones lies, unless you yourself were dumb enough to live by a lie that was ignorant. The first thing that comes to mind is following a religion that requires you to eat dog crap five times a day or the earth would swallow you whole. Now that would be living by the ignorance of someones lies. But anyways I liked the poem, -6-
Re: Smack Crack by w~* ATHENA *~w 28-Apr-03/11:08 PM
This is the stupidest poem ive read all day. -0-
Re: ~What do I do~ by ~Ashley Baby Girl~ 28-Apr-03/11:06 PM
Heres what you do. Stop writing simple thoughts. Look deeper into whats going on in your life. Listen to what people say and try and figure out why they said it, how they said it, if they lied. Just one sentence from someone can give me enough ammunition to write a whole poem. Dont make the same mistake i did when I first started writing, thinking that putting your thoughts and emotions on paper without any pilot or any direction is poetry, its not. Its called writing your meaningless emotions on paper. Some more advice, learn some vocab. But if you really love writing and you think you can be good at poetry then do not give up, listen to what people say. Theyr are some really good poets on this site, horus8, godswife, Mr.pig, billzbub. If you write somthing worthy of actually reading than they will tell you. -0-
Re: ~What if~ by ~Ashley Baby Girl~ 28-Apr-03/10:55 PM
If all of this happened to me? In this order? I would ask the gods why they saw it fit to grant me probably the stupidest meaningless worthless friendship to an idiot. This has happened to me before. It was this stupid girl who changed her mind about everything every freekin minute she was alive. Somehow in the midst of her busy life of mindchanging she decided to be my friend. Aparently I wasnt part of this decision. I had seen her before talking to herself and her eyes twitching from side to side. I thought at first glance she was handicapped and i pitied her, like any loving soul would do. But then when I started recieving random phone calls from what I thought was a girl, asking me if I did or did not like cheese and other mindless things, such as "what if".I began to realize that "handicapped wasnt the right word. I just kept saying, what if doesnt matter. what matters is here, now. But still she persisted. I was given notes from odd looking little fat girls with their lying t-shirts that said "angel" and "hottie". I was crakin up, I had no idea who was stalking me. I was afraid to go to sleep, I was afraid id get raped in the night. I still to this day on ocassion receive the odd note here and there. I dont even bother to read them, and I never wonder what if. -0-
Re: Torvald, the Dwarven Toast-Smith by razorgrin 28-Apr-03/10:40 PM
I always love reading mindless poetry. -7-
Re: Yay for Unspeakable Evil! by razorgrin 28-Apr-03/10:35 PM
i dont really like the last line it breaks the mood. -4-
Re: Dumb Ideas by thepinkbunnyofdoom 28-Apr-03/10:33 PM
I know how you feel, I got burned pretty bad last weekend, it was one of those "you did somthing wrong but im not going to tell you what you did just to drive you crazy" MAN I HATE THAT, but anyways, cool poem, I think it could be better with some reconstructing , some of your lines sound kinda awkward at first glance. for now a 7 just cause i can relate, if you ever decide to redo this ill definatly give it a reread.
Re: kruder&dorfmeister by rockinindividual 28-Apr-03/10:26 PM
I like the feeling of going with the music and all but i could never get into that coffee house crap. Like everything I think this could be better if you took a couple more looks at it and made some adjustment, I dunno somthing else is holding this back and im not sure what. I have to think about it more. but for know here is a 4. P.S. I really wish you would add more to the last poem you did, it started going somewhere and then it ended I was dissapointed I wanted to hear the rest of it, whenever you finish it i have a ten waiting for you, I mean come on, with a beginning like that you can write anything.
Re: Fighting erosion by INTRANSIT 28-Apr-03/10:16 PM
When I read poetry I take 3 steps.
1. I read it over and listen for the overall sound and feeling of the poem. If it makes an enjoyable read the first time without makeing your head hurt then its already decent, which I might add, your poem does.

2. I try and get the deeper meanings of the words and the way they are formed together, such as "Wastes deposited deep inside" I love that line. Im really envious that i didnt think of it first, that is assumeing I have the capacity to create somthing like that, which I do not think at this point in time i have.

3. I read it over again listening to the rythm and recognizing the meanings in each line and seeing the mental picture as i read each one.

Your poem made each read enjoyable. I absolutely love it. Keep up the good work. -10-
Re: Ode to a Sock by JakeBike 28-Apr-03/5:48 PM
I love the word odiferous. so i gave it a ten, not ten for the poem just ten for the word, no more no less and the vote shall be ten for odiferous and nothing else but ten, Have i made myself clear?.... ten
Re: Death Of A Rose (New draft) by Mr Pig 27-Apr-03/2:51 PM
Petals from zuzu's hand
its not such a wonderful life
Curse the prawnes that did this

Now THAT is a beatiful haiku, even though its 2 slys over the seventeen limit, but hey if Mr pig can get away with it so can I.
Re: a comment on Death Of A Rose (New draft) by Mr Pig 27-Apr-03/2:46 PM
Hey man, dont mess with the prawnes!
Re: a comment on 3am and six cups of coffee gets you nowhere by Blindproject217 27-Apr-03/1:41 PM
Thanks, spell check wasnt working on my computer for some reason, Its working now. Im just not sure why.... I hate my computer.
Re: a comment on Front Line Center by Blindproject217 26-Apr-03/8:16 PM
When I first posted this poem i just got allot of negetive junk and was wondering what i could do to improve it, I really like it, but like everything, there is always room for improvement. So if you have any ideas that could make it longer or deeper send em my way.
Re: ~What do I do~ by ~Ashley Baby Girl~ 22-Apr-03/9:14 PM
I feel like that all the time, -0-
Re: a comment on AIDS in a Glass by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 22-Apr-03/9:00 PM
Alright everybody just wanted to say that aids is a VIRUS not a BACTERIA, what was I thinking, apperently my mistake has annoyed certain people, I wont give you his name but it ends with an 8 and starts with borus or horus or whatever the hell it is.
Re: a comment on AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 22-Apr-03/8:56 PM
Ok im sorry, the VIRUS, speaking of viruses do you just follow me around trying to make me look stupid, you do a good job, but thats not the point. The point is, stop leaving all these retarded comments after mine or on my poems, every body already know my poem suck you dont have to keep reminding them, man horus, your such a scallywag somtimes i swear.
Re: AIDS in a van by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 21-Apr-03/10:30 PM
After I read this poem and reading all of the comments I investigated for myself the origin of aids. It was actually a bacteria found in monkeys in south Africa, you wanna know how it came to America? Some sicko did a monkey in the bum, contracted the disease and then did his gay friend in the bum who then turned around and did about 25 others gay guys in the bum. Before you knew it gay people were havin sex with women durring their threesomes and gave it to them. So when the infected women did it with straight guys they got it too. All becuz some dude down in Africa got lonely and raped a monkey in the bum, now THAT is sick and disturbing. If all you people really think this is a horrible disease then you wouldnt stick up for gay people, what they do is unnatural and debase, more aids are passed between gay lovers then anyother source. I find it horrible that innocent people contract this disease and have to live with it. But that doesnt happen exponentially, what does happen alot is gay guys doing other gay guys up the bum. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would think that homosexuality is normal, IT ISNT, waste comes out of your bum, a bum was not designed to have a wiener in it. What exactly does a penis in the bum do? Nothing! A penis goes in a vagina!!! Its that simple, you do it for making babies and populating the planet. IF the whole world were gay it would die and nothing would last very long. Two men cannot have kids, all they can do is have gay sex and spread diseases. Homosexuality is a mental disease, you are not born with it you slowly become it from what you do. PEOPLE think before you stand up for gay people, they dont need you to stand up for them, what they need is counseling becuase they are screwed up. They need love, just like any other person with problems.
Re: AIDS in a Glass by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 21-Apr-03/10:29 PM
After I read this poem and reading all of the comments I investigated for myself the origin of aids. It was actually a bacteria found in monkeys in south Africa, you wanna know how it came to America? Some sicko did a monkey in the bum, contracted the disease and then did his gay friend in the bum who then turned around and did about 25 others gay guys in the bum. Before you knew it gay people were havin sex with women durring their threesomes and gave it to them. So when the infected women did it with straight guys they got it too. All becuz some dude down in Africa got lonely and raped a monkey in the bum, now THAT is sick and disturbing. If all you people really think this is a horrible disease then you wouldnt stick up for gay people, what they do is unnatural and debase, more aids are passed between gay lovers then anyother source. I find it horrible that innocent people contract this disease and have to live with it. But that doesnt happen exponentially, what does happen alot is gay guys doing other gay guys up the bum. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone would think that homosexuality is normal, IT ISNT, waste comes out of your bum, a bum was not designed to have a wiener in it. What exactly does a penis in the bum do? Nothing! A penis goes in a vagina!!! Its that simple, you do it for making babies and populating the planet. IF the whole world were gay it would die and nothing would last very long. Two men cannot have kids, all they can do is have gay sex and spread diseases. Homosexuality is a mental disease, you are not born with it you slowly become it from what you do. PEOPLE think before you stand up for gay people, they dont need you to stand up for them, what they need is counseling becuase they are screwed up. They need love, just like any other person with problems.
Re: a comment on Axe Murderer by Blindproject217 20-Apr-03/8:51 PM
I dont even know why you bother leaveing your commrnts anymore, you know im an idiot but it seems as if you just cant stop throwing it in my face all the time.

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