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20 most recent comments by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. (321-340)

Re: Hologram glasses by zodiac 3-Apr-04/3:19 PM
Why is the entire poeme indented?

This doesn't really achieve the vague air of guffing claptrap that wheezes out of all good poetry. -2-
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Apr-04/3:46 PM
Dear lydia evelyn,

If you cannot say the word 'fuck', can you say the name of the word 'fuck'? The name of the word 'fuck' is ''fuck''. Please try.
Re: Hologram glasses by zodiac 4-Apr-04/4:37 PM
If Ray Bradbury were to somehow transmute himself into a guff, this poeme would be the name of the guff. And that name is Jesu.
regarding some deleted poem... 5-Apr-04/3:14 AM
A vast, sprawling edifice of guff. -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 5-Apr-04/8:10 AM
Don't listen to these retards, violetsuede. When I first joined this site they were being immature as usual, and I had to put up with all manner of abuse. But when they found out I was disabled things really got out of hand. They said that just because I couldn't walk, my brain was also spazzed and that my poemes looked like they were written by an actual spastic. They are the ones who are spastics.
Re: Mr. Jawharp Man by Sidekickboy 5-Apr-04/11:37 AM
Too many ws.
Re: Alone by Deluxotron 6-Apr-04/5:24 AM
You sound like a real catch!!
Re: A Quick Lick Of Yellow by Jeremi B. Handrinos 6-Apr-04/2:20 PM
A shockingly brown autoclam. -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Apr-04/2:53 PM
I have to ask... Are all your love poemes about horus8?
Re: ritual of now intensified by nentwined 9-Apr-04/5:43 AM
Could you tell me who is responsible for the following: "We want art for art's sake that will reflect the magazine's edgy, exciting attitude."
Re: Severed Arm by jessicazee 13-Apr-04/7:50 AM
I'd like to see a greater emphasis on the apron and less about your emotions.
regarding some deleted poem... 13-Apr-04/3:16 PM
But what about the trousers? For the love of God, what happened to the trousers?!
Re: China, Silver, and an Emerald Lipstick by Enkidu 13-Apr-04/6:44 PM
stultus es
Re: being human by ggawrysi 14-Apr-04/7:29 AM
you fail
regarding some deleted poem... 14-Apr-04/7:45 AM
You definitely win the award for this week's most arbitrary line breaks.
regarding some deleted poem... 14-Apr-04/7:51 AM
You have a soiling for every occasion. If only I had a wipe for every occasion. -10-
Re: forgetful dyke by elizabethann 15-Apr-04/5:24 AM
Haha! Good one!


[_] AABB rhyming scheme
[_] Arbitrary indentation
[X] Arbitrary line breaks
[X] Clerical errors
[_] Ellipses used overabundantly
[_] Lower case only
[_] Internet shorthand / emoticons
[_] Repetition of a word or phrase ad nauseam
[X] Devoid of rhyme
[X] Devoid of other linguistic embellishments (alliteration, etc)
[X] Devoid of other literary devices (metaphor, synaesthesia, etc)
[X] Devoid of wondrous or fantastical imagery
[X] About drugs
[_] About romantic love
[_] About suicide or self-mutilation
[_] About writing
[_] Cliched imagery (tears falling like rain, angel in heaven)
[_] Cliched rhymes (love/above, heart/apart)
[_] Sounds like dialogue in a fantasy novel
[X] Melodramatic
[_] Autobiographical but in the third person
[_] Concerns the author's social pastimes
[_] Leaving rant
[_] Vicarious wish fulfilment
[_] Pointedly unanswered questions
[_] Smugly-named protagonist
[X] Sanctimonious
[_] Untitled
[_] Gushingly religious
[_] Obsessed with femininity
[X] Rage against the machine
[X] Self-obsessed

Re: Whose God? by elizabethann 16-Apr-04/3:21 AM
"Are we all
children of a




"Which God,"


"Whose God?"

The God of the Israelites.

"Does religion matter"

Yes. Yes it does.

"Or do we just
Need faith
In one higher being"

No. You need faith in Jesu.

"And if we don't believe
What happens?"

You go to hell.

"Are we condemned by
Believers and followers?"

You are condemned by Jesu.

"And if so
What kind of God
Do you have?"

An 18th level cleric with Invisibility, the Helmet of True Seeing, and the Amulet of Transubstantiation.

"A just one?"

God is just.

"Or an insensitive, impure

God is not insensitive, He is not impure, He is not a conformist.
regarding some deleted poem... 17-Apr-04/6:15 PM
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Apr-04/7:43 AM

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