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20 most recent comments by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. (221-240)

regarding some deleted poem... 13-Jun-04/3:50 PM
a) "Frozen inaction" is stultifyingly redundant.

b) "Immobile like the rock of Gibraltar" labours the point into a robo-shameful dullness.

c) The plural of "how-to" is not "how-to's".

d) You are trying to casually swear, but it's the most contrived swear ever.

e) Dashes are weak.

Re: Randomness by QuirkyWonder 16-Jun-04/9:12 AM
"I am most definitely my own person. I am funny, honest, outgoing, quirky (hence the s/n), unique...and as everyone I have met says...I am 'special'."

I think your website sums you up in a nutshell. You really are special, and I hope you always remember how lucky you are to be that way. It's because of your wonderfully unique personality that you can sit down and write whatever pops into your head, just like you've done with this piece. I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said that life's questions just seem to be open ended with no definite answer. I guess everyone has their own opinion on life and death and what we are destined for. Opinions are everything, and there really is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Apart from those opinions that say that other opinions are wrong, in which case those opinions are the wrong opinions, not the opinions they claim to refute. What do you think? Great poeme -10-
Re: love and hate by jessicasgurl 18-Jun-04/7:53 AM
terribly disappointing
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Jun-04/6:22 AM
You mean the cliché that is your entire body of poetry?
Re: Dying by QuirkyWonder 19-Jun-04/6:33 AM
Hi! You know, despite our difference of opinions on opinions, I think your poemes are really good. You should try to get some of them published!
Re: blobby blob by MR Blobby 19-Jun-04/12:32 PM
I declare MR Blobby to be the most hilarious thing to hit poemeranker since horus8's disastrous epic "AIDS in a crayon".
Re: Control by MakenzieNy 19-Jun-04/12:49 PM
You make some good points, but you fail to realise that society would crumble if men were denied absolute control over their wives. Women are jolly good at kittens and embroidery, and their role as mothers to offspring cannot be overlooked, but when it comes to Important Matters Of The Towne, of which all women remain dangerously ignorant, I'm afraid they're best kept under lock and key. That said, I thought this was an excellent poeme, and at the very least it has given me cause to question my beliefs concerning the weaker sex, even if it hasn't changed them completely. Thanks, -10-
Re: Exist For You by WithoutLife 21-Jun-04/9:40 AM
Have you been guffed on by a spaztronic guff manual?
Re: Quiet, Kind Hills by Dovina 21-Jun-04/9:46 AM
An excellent poeme! No... wait that's daft... a GOOD poeme. But I'll have to end this comment with a caveat, because 'caveat' is rather a trendy word at the mo, and being trendy is one of the most excellent things a person can be (caveat: there is no fucking caveat) -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 21-Jun-04/2:21 PM
How delightful! And brimming with innuendo, too! Like "bounding balls"! And "uterus"!
Re: What is a midget? by tolstoyleo 1-Jul-04/8:04 AM
Absurdly naïve, unforgivably childish and appallingly lewd.
Re: Love Slain by Mus Vai 2-Jul-04/8:55 AM
At first glance on the recent poemes list, I thought the title was "Love Stain". Having eagerly clicked on it, you cannot even begin to imagine my disappointment at seeing the title was actually "Love Slain", and that the poeme was rife with lines like "This love just can never be". -10-
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Jul-04/1:17 PM
Going for the back of beyond, nothing's gonna stop you, there's nothing that strong, so close now, you're nearly at the brink so push it...
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Jul-04/4:58 PM
All the arbitrary line breaks just make this piece irritating to read. You want to say "grey rustle of newspaper pages turning", but because of the line breaks you think "oh I ought to pause or something", so you say "grey rustle of... newspaper... pages turning" etc. and the whole thing just sounds jagged and thoroughly unpleasant. Then you end up thinking "well maybe I shouldn't pause there", so you don't, but in the back of your mind is the lingering suspicion that the fucking linebreaks may as well have not been there in the first place, because all they did was confuse you until you eventually ignored them.
Re: Homeless by gavinduff 6-Jul-04/9:47 AM
Great work! I like the way you've cleverly managed to turn an ordinary piece of prose into a poeme simply by adding linebreaks all over the place!
regarding some deleted poem... 6-Jul-04/1:09 PM
The lower case 'b' on 'beatrice' is what really makes this piece something special. -10-
Re: Why you don't fall through the floor by ?-Dave_Mysterious-? 7-Jul-04/5:00 AM
The volume of the box is a³. So I understand why:

(dV/da) = 3a²

So dV = 3a²da.

But how do you get dV = d³a ? d³a = d(d(da)), doesn't it?
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Jul-04/6:52 AM
Please change the title to "Butter Me Up".
Re: Brando's Dead (slight reprise) by ?-Dave_Mysterious-? 11-Jul-04/3:53 PM
A gameshow host presents you with a choice of 3 doors: A, B and C. Behind one of the doors is a prize. Behind the other two doors is nothing. You pick door C, but don't open it. The host, who is standing behind the doors and can therefore see what they contain, then says he will reveal an empty door from the two you did not choose. He opens door B and you see that it is empty. You are now offered the choice of sticking with door C, or switching to door A. Should you:
(i) Switch?
(ii) Stick?
(iii)Or doesn't it matter? [5 marks]
Re: Vows by QuirkyWonder 12-Jul-04/4:21 AM
"Nothing is forever
Because forever always ends"

I am imagining the look of quiet satisfaction on your face when you came up with that sodden fuckmuffin, and frantically tightening a vise on my remaining teste to take away the discomfort.

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