Re: (untitled) by http://bandgeek |
6-Sep-03/5:31 PM |
Von der einfachen Unzufriedenheit zum völligen infidelity. Glauben Sie an karma? Ich auch nicht.
Re: canto di desiderio by Bill Z Bub |
7-Sep-03/9:59 PM |
Credo che dovrte rimuovere la traduzione. Coloro che non capisce che l'italiano sarà costretto per soffrire la nebbia di babelfish e coloro che capisce l'italiano riterranno lo scopo progettato.
Forse è migliore senza la traduzione (ma molto elegante)
regarding some deleted poem... |
11-Sep-03/2:40 PM |
I like this scene a lot. Though perhaps:
where the water
would rise and fall
like an anchor
where the water drew
its drowning line.
(otherwise the simile in stanza 4 can be confuddlustated, allowing the drowning line to be included into the simile thus slightly diminishing its impact)
Re: Giger cider by grendal |
12-Sep-03/9:43 AM |
i enjoyed this (the arbitrary list of ingredients and the final justification could be reworked in order to make this a serious poem)
Re: Plastic is Forever by http://mulberryfairy |
13-Sep-03/11:02 PM |
This poem has an interesting tension between 1.) being marketed 'fun' (plus the narrator's friend's ability to enjoy it in spite of the commercialization) and 2.) Your apparent objective indifference to (or even slight critique of) the whole thing.
Re: These are not just words by impert&ent |
14-Sep-03/10:29 PM |
I couldn't agree more with your sentiment (my babelfish poetry may entertain you if you feel this way).
However if I were to focus on your phrasing I would say that words can and are meant to persuade as well as convey. Otherwise what are salesmen?
But the last stanza is gorgeous, and even more than that - it is a passionate truth.
Re: sitting at the cliff's edge by nentwined |
15-Sep-03/12:04 AM |
Normally I avoid sentimentality (especially in poetry), but this poem must be good because it reminded me of the once upon a time upon a cliff's edge (I hope you will not be insulted by a crude harmony to your melody):
sitting at the cliff's edge,
I muse
that there is where I went
with my lover
when lover she was
and we could imagine ourselves alone
but for a horse
A fitting chaperone
for this lonely castle wall.
and alone we'd be together and together
the world would fade
and all that would be was the two of us
and the rocks and the sea and a hundred gulls
mocking our affection
and now the rocks and sea and windy gusts
only in my thoughts remain
and dying these dreams
(or close enough)
but one remains
(or close enough)
to be near that edge,
(or close enough)
I long for you and Scotland.
Re: playing the scratching game by nentwined |
15-Sep-03/11:02 AM |
But if I scratch off too many I won't win the free medium drink!
Re: Upside down and tigers by horus8 |
16-Sep-03/6:18 PM |
Overall, though finely and functionally dressed, there is a sublime quality to the title that isn't quite matched by its wardrobe.\
(I've seen an ivory tiger, but never tiger ivory. How about something like: "blood whiskers, eye-shines, and canines"? )
Re: Mentor by <~> |
16-Sep-03/9:27 PM |
Makes me wish there was someone I felt that way about. My life is all sunbathers and surfers - no one is up for volleyball when it gets hot.
regarding some deleted poem... |
17-Sep-03/9:53 AM |
Lovely. Reminds me of 'the Grey Selkie' (one of my favourites) for some reason.
I've this wonderful internal conflict with S4. The imagery implies almost still freshwater (wavelets and dragonflies). One part of me says, "doesn't fit the ocean theme". Another more subtle part says, "true but it does represent a calm serenity that an ocean metaphor couldn't provide (and is necessary for this stanza) and it also represents the interface between the two worlds (oak and ocean).
May the muses sing at your wedding
Re: on the edge of creation by nentwined |
17-Sep-03/10:00 AM |
Gshcäft (Disguised as Deerfly): "and yet you skipped over my babelfish poetry?" :)
Re: The Same by newdawnfades |
18-Sep-03/2:23 PM |
Interesting. I think (open to discussion) that the middle stanza is flawed in your understanding of memories. Your brain is only set up to record memories of unique incidents. Therefore we do not carry memories of the menial day-to-day. They do not form a mass.
They form a hole in our existence - vast stretches of our life without any record of our having lived it!
I think if you rewrite this poem with this understanding it will even be stronger (and the connection between death and routine that much closer).
Just a thought.
regarding some deleted poem... |
19-Sep-03/1:00 AM |
El arrullo inocente de una lengüeta desconocedora calmante.