Re: For fun by Cha no Onna |
17-Apr-02/7:18 PM |
*snicker* two-fiddy, two-fiddy.
Re: Human self pity by Service |
21-Apr-02/2:00 PM |
moments of clarity through a general incomprehensibility.
Re: (untitled) by Mystifying |
21-Apr-02/2:05 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
1-May-02/2:55 PM |
and notice that it was written two days before 9/11. Coincidence, sure. But I usually don't write poems about my premonitions. =P
responding to:
This is like an "aftershock" of Burning Night, right? I think the funny thing is that woodsmoke is such a comforting smell to most people.
regarding some deleted poem... |
1-May-02/2:58 PM |
Very like. I was trying to keep up on a "100 poems in 100 days" LiveJournal. It'd been 5 or 6 days since I visited last... and I was a little frustrated. *laughter*
responding to:
Sounds like a creative writing class I once attended. Ten haiku a session for nine weeks. Ugh!
regarding some deleted poem... |
6-May-02/10:53 PM |
guess you have to be here to understand the power of the rain. very cool.
regarding some deleted poem... |
6-May-02/10:54 PM |
powerful. so many strive for this literary bent and fail. You do it as naturally as breathing.
Re: Cour by Cha no Onna |
9-May-02/7:16 PM |
It's not because you no longer care, but because you no longer _fear_ . =)
regarding some deleted poem... |
16-May-02/5:53 PM |
mmm... off beat. In a left field kind of way. Made me stop for a second.
Re: pull by skaskowski |
16-May-02/5:53 PM |
Re: Assassin's Song by Tekara |
19-May-02/10:29 PM |
Hmm.. I wonder if I know this person, too?
Re: Earthquake by ifni |
24-Jun-02/6:11 PM |
The poem is about stopping to think; a difficult word is intended to enhance that effect. =)
regarding some deleted poem... |
17-Jul-02/2:32 PM |
It's about my job - I transcribe for a Neurology clinic; so his words are always describing the patients' pains.
regarding some deleted poem... |
17-Jul-02/2:34 PM |
the image of the candle is supposed to invoke the paradox of light against the darkness (relief of his pain) versus the traditional end of a moth and a candle - destruction. Relieving his pain will destroy him. yah?
Re: My Life as a Book by molly |
10-Aug-02/9:28 PM |
clear imagery, good encapsulation of the moment. =)
Re: To You by Cha no Onna |
11-Sep-02/11:48 PM |
I rather liked stanza 4. But then I guess I'm into odd line breaks.
Re: Raining in Dream by memorybabe |
17-Sep-02/8:46 AM |
There's a lot of detrius in the beginning of this; meaningless phrases. Perhaps your intended effect; but it shrouds the meaning you're heading for in the second half.
Re: A Man Of The World by vulcan |
17-Sep-02/8:48 AM |
I wonder how many stories about green fairies this poem has engendered.
Re: Spellbound by Limness |
17-Sep-02/8:49 AM |
Not only a beautiful sentiment, but flawlessly executed as well.
Re: Remember-me (an ode to those dropped off at the clinic) by Bachus |
17-Sep-02/8:52 AM |
One can admire the work without admiring the sentiment. A worthy lesson, at least.