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20 most recent comments by Yardbird (41-60)

regarding some deleted poem... 25-Oct-02/2:57 AM
No offence, but this is utter drivel. Keep your bigoted, homophobic rhetoric to yourself, and do not bring this site into contempt with this brand of poorly-scrawled bullshit ever again!
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Oct-02/3:18 AM
Telling, very telling. Good stuff.
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Oct-02/3:31 AM
Funny, funny stuff, although you are a pervert of the first degree and need locking up. Still, very funny stuff!
Re: The First Poem by jrtails 25-Oct-02/3:36 AM
Nice one, tails - SAFE, MATE!!!!
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Oct-02/8:23 AM
Mirth-inducing stuff! :) Probably makes more sense to someone who is well versed in Greek mythology (like myself - oh, and just as a point of interest, the original, Greek spelling is Heraklez. I don't mean it as a jibe, it's just a little-known fact that I thought might be of interest to you). Excellent stuff (Creme de Menthe AND ancient mythology - I like your style, pal!!!!).

P.S. Anyone who refers to Heraklez as Hercules when talking in an Ancient Greek (as opposed to Roman) context deserves to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Just thought I'd get that one quite clear.....
Re: Limmerick, Starring Andy by MuDvAyNe 25-Oct-02/8:30 AM
Nicely done!
Re: Heart of the killer by UAFANTHORPEY 28-Oct-02/5:46 AM
Wow! A few typos, but otherwise, well,! Spot on!!! :)
Re: boy girl by little_angel_maria 28-Oct-02/2:37 PM
Clever layout and succinctly put. I agree with zzinnia66, this is one of your best. Good stuff! :)
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Nov-02/2:05 AM
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Nov-02/2:18 AM
Genius. Pure Genius. BRAVO!!!
Re: HATE by Blade 4-Nov-02/2:27 AM
Er, kind of good, but you're beginning to freak me out now...
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Nov-02/2:31 AM
Hell yeah!!!
Re: bad boy taylor by rosiebailey 4-Nov-02/5:40 AM
Nicely done!!! Jrtails, you iz goin DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Billie's Threnody by Frass 6-Nov-02/6:59 AM
Pretty darn good! I really like the idea of "dusty throated saxophone" - tell me, young sir, do you ever listen to the great tenor saxist Lester Young, 'cos he was close to Lady Day (hell, he came up with that moniker!), appeared on some of her finest cuts, and it just so happens his fabulous tenor sound was the dustiest and warmest sound going (or was that a deliberate point you were making?) Good work, sir - you have style (said he, shuffling off to his record collection with a glass of malt whiskey...)!!
Re: Wise Clogg! by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 6-Nov-02/7:07 AM
Poor and inane - 3 points, and only because you did at least include some kind of structure. Oh, and as a professional bebop saxophonist, I implore you to stop embarrasing yourself by displaying the vast gaps in your knowledge - "shoe-be-do-be-do" is utter bollocks. Proper bop scat singing goes something like this:
"Oo-bop-eel-ya-da, bop-sh'bam, a-klook-a-mop". Show some respect, you cock-knocker.
Re: A dutch poem (just a joke) by susie 6-Nov-02/8:17 AM
Very funny! Much mirth was had with this one!!
Re: He loves me by susie 6-Nov-02/8:19 AM
Nice ideas, and well written - job's a good'un!
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Nov-02/2:36 AM
Clever, unique style of imagery, and really nicely written. This is good stuff (a change from the usual bigoted, childish drivel we get on this site) - well done!
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Nov-02/8:55 AM
17? The rest of us grunts should feel duly humble. As I said, good stuff - now write something really crap, otherwise the rest of us'll get inferiority complexes!!! Oh, and it's spelt 'naive' - I saw the ?? in stanza 2 and thought I'd clear that one up for you. Again, nicely done, and thanks for someone finally adding a tasteful contribution to this otherwise woeful site!!!!
Re: My Friend? by Blade 10-Nov-02/3:28 PM
Ok, this is just poor. Dude, learn to spell, and don't write any contrived rubbish just to make the lines rhyme. You really need to sort out your act, and please stop spewing that 'daywalker' macho-crap!

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