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20 most recent comments by UnityMitford (21-40)

regarding some deleted poem... 26-Nov-02/12:53 PM
what the hell are soulless goats? are you taking cheapshots at arabs again? as for the rest, i like the last stanza quite a bit, although "scary things" is a little weak. 6 swastikas!
regarding some deleted poem... 26-Nov-02/12:56 PM
still other times it seems like you might have dropped it on the floor before you ever did much with it. so goes it for this bit of metapoetry. 4 swastikas :(
Re: Thats one rockin' bacchanalian orgy. by ==Doylum 27-Nov-02/8:41 AM
nice. brilliant even. somehow, the only thing that would improve it for me is if you made her from a different country. chile doesn't have the loaded irony i want. 9
Re: Frozen beauty by INTRANSIT 27-Nov-02/8:45 AM
i want more from the last line. how about "while hitler sniffles," or "inside your stinkhole" or "like the Gestapo"?
Re: ODE TO NICHOLAS JONES III by lukehanney 2-Dec-02/7:01 AM
top shelf! 8 swastikas!
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Dec-02/7:02 AM
that bleach really seems to have inspired you. maybe you should try kerosene next time. i bet that would really get things going.
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Dec-02/12:25 PM
reads a little like a beat poem that should be spoken aloud. nice and cynical. 7 swastikas!
Re: peer pressure leads to awful outcomes by joey 3-Dec-02/1:10 PM
drugs, schmugs. excuse me while i go shoot up.
regarding some deleted poem... 5-Dec-02/8:38 AM
seig heil! 7 swastikas!
regarding some deleted poem... 5-Dec-02/9:02 AM
this is magical, like that time i made them clear my lawn with their teeth. 9 swastikas! (it'd be 10, but i want a stronger word where "know" is)
Re: Missing the In-Between by <~> 9-Dec-02/8:55 AM
nice. this brings you back to your poems of yore. the ones that make me want to drink scotch in a big naughty chair by the window. "unbroken" might be my favorite word. very nice work. 9 swastikas!
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Dec-02/8:58 AM
very Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. is that a good thing? could be worse. 6 swastikas!
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Dec-02/9:01 AM
who's ron weasley, that little red-headed dyke from the movies?! if so...7 swastikas! (i hate that little bastard)
Re: Untitled by ==Doylum 9-Dec-02/9:03 AM
they must not be for me either, as i have no idea what a nork is. because of that, print this page and roll it up and bury it in your little brown winker.
Re: Dinner Menu by A. Nomaly 9-Dec-02/9:08 AM
i don't know what it is, but i really like this. i truly hate lamb, though, but i'll have to get over it. you should change your user name before someone tracks you down and does things to you for your cleverness. 8 swastikas!
Re: Soap Star Stud Haikus by <{Baba^Yaga}> 9-Dec-02/9:14 AM
this is way too perfect! the first one is the best (for me) and so i'd like it to come last. great stuff. 9 swastikas!
Re: sex by Limness 9-Dec-02/10:58 AM
this brings me down. depressing and wonderful, like the end of something. 9 swastikas!
Re: And uncle sam says... by INTRANSIT 9-Dec-02/11:21 AM
that's it, take a stand against both sides! now you're getting somewhere. 4 swastikas!
Re: Panning for gold by INTRANSIT 9-Dec-02/11:24 AM
nifty poem. nice image, at the end there. i'd change the name though. maybe "panning for dildos"? 8 swastikas!
Re: A hard life by INTRANSIT 12-Dec-02/11:27 AM
i don't think you could mean "auger." it's a noun, the tool, not the act. you might mean "augur," but that doesn't make much sense either.

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