regarding some deleted poem... |
7-Oct-02/5:17 AM |
what a great line "a touch like an explosion" extemely powerful. cool stuff limonade! muahahahahaha
regarding some deleted poem... |
7-Oct-02/5:23 AM |
ever so true dude...ever so true. i agree with the song angle...throw it together with some sort of jesus-based rant full of screaming and self hatred
Re: The day I told her by dalva |
7-Oct-02/5:26 AM |
got blasted eh? yeah it happens to the best of us. no worries. when everything looks to be going sour listen to some deftones and break some shit
regarding some deleted poem... |
7-Oct-02/5:32 AM |
alright i don't mean to sound like an ass or anything but when i read the first and second stanza i got a creepy vision of a 15year old wanting to get with a 7 year old...and then i saw your name...and felt like poop...still a good poem though 8/10
Re: Instructions to a Sculptor by Christof |
7-Oct-02/5:39 AM |
i like the line about "the artist's discretion". this is gonna sound stupid but after reading comments on this site and seeing how bitchy people can be about other people's work...well truer words have never been said dude. i'm out...please disregard my foolishness
regarding some deleted poem... |
7-Oct-02/5:53 AM |
good god what a long conversation...exellent poem though. i do not agree with the vast majority here though. i think the word menstruating goes well with the the poem a very poignant feeling. 10/10
Re: From a letter (never sent) by UnityMitford |
7-Oct-02/6:03 AM |
that's good. are the corners real or metaphorical...cuz if they're real theniwould agree with the lover; it would not be love...but if makes for a good poem. i'm out 8/10
regarding some deleted poem... |
8-Oct-02/10:22 PM |
damn...i'm pretty sure that i'm one of those "greenhorns" although i'd like to think not. anyway your poem is true enough...although no mention of menstruation...i thought you said it went with everything!
Re: why i look like a man by rosiebailey |
8-Oct-02/10:25 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
8-Oct-02/10:28 PM |
so far you're poems never cease to amaze me. in a good way of course. so good...can't find the words...
regarding some deleted poem... |
24-Nov-02/11:44 PM |
it's almost too much for me to handle
Re: I Lost My Way by abbaslittleclingon |
24-Nov-02/11:59 PM |
similar to some stuff i have written. i like the language of the poem. good job
Re: Tuesday, again and again and... by <{Baba^Yaga}> |
25-Nov-02/12:18 AM |
i got the tune of "No Rain" by Blind melon in my head while i was reading that...which made it even better then it already was.
Re: Hero Within a Mother by confuzdlilgirl |
25-Nov-02/12:21 AM |
that's great...really good actually.
Re: unlucky by rosiebailey |
25-Nov-02/12:22 AM |
damn dude...that blows for you
Re: Bowed by <~> |
25-Nov-02/12:24 AM |
hey...he's robin
Re: Child of my Buttocks by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. |
25-Nov-02/12:25 AM |
that's one long ass poem..decent
Re: Untitled by morffrom |
25-Nov-02/12:26 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
25-Nov-02/12:38 AM | this all some sort of joke...or are you serious...cuz i hope it's a joke..the chorus is funny...but the rest...well it's funny but not in the same way.
Re: Deep Inner Pain by razorgrin |
16-Dec-02/10:09 AM |
greatness. i had that happen to friend before. good stuff. a nine