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From a letter (never sent) (Free verse) by UnityMitford
You know I love you because I constantly push you into corners. But this you will say is not love.

Up the ladder: Wind Elemental
Down the ladder: Ode to my mentor

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Arithmetic Mean: 4.888889
Weighted score: 4.9444447
Overall Rank: 9003
Posted: October 7, 2002 5:54 AM PDT; Last modified: October 23, 2002 8:23 AM PDT
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[8] blackball @ | 7-Oct-02/6:03 AM | Reply
that's good. are the corners real or metaphorical...cuz if they're real theniwould agree with the lover; it would not be love...but if makes for a good poem. i'm out 8/10
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > blackball | 7-Oct-02/6:42 AM | Reply
metaphorical (from what i remember).
[9] <~> @ | 7-Oct-02/6:55 AM | Reply
i love it when you get rough, unity.
[9] Christof @ | 7-Oct-02/8:30 AM | Reply
Stay away from the corners! Stay in the middle of the ring...Love as a constant battle. Well, how true.
[9] Christof @ | 7-Oct-02/8:30 AM | Reply
By the way, is Unity Mitford the one who went to Germany?
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 9-Oct-02/10:32 AM | Reply
I am.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:13 AM | Reply
And what did you do when you got there? Did you hang out with the Fuhrer?
[9] <~> @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:16 AM | Reply
i think she went in the back room with him and his dog. she is naughty.
[9] Christof @ > <~> | 23-Oct-02/8:17 AM | Reply
But he loved Eva! How could he!
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > <~> | 23-Oct-02/8:23 AM | Reply
he had that hulking Alsatian and the riding crop. they both glistened when i was through.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:26 AM | Reply
Apparently Eva was a disaster in the Alsatian and riding crop department. No wonder he was so pleased to see you. the way your combed your hair all straight and precise.... an Aryan dictator's dream.
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:28 AM | Reply
[7] Tintagiles @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/11:19 AM | Reply
'Few people know that to please her lover, Eva Braun combed her pussy hair to one side.' -- George Carlin.
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:22 AM | Reply
he hung out with me.
[9] <~> @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:29 AM | Reply
describe 'hung'
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:30 AM | Reply
You ever talk to your sisters?
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:34 AM | Reply
stop reading about me on the internet. and no, i'm long dead.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:39 AM | Reply
Well excuse me, some of us have heard about you from elsewhere than the Internet. Pardon me.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:44 AM | Reply
Yes actually, how annoying. Why call yourself Unity Mitford and come on to the site and get huffy when people try to probe you about why you have chosen that name? Assuming that people that will not heard of U Mitford as well - does it annoy you that someone actually has? Oh, why has this rattled my cage. Maybe I don't like it when I realise someone doesn't want to join in with my little game. Bleagh. But anyway. Don't be so sniffy.
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:51 AM | Reply
i'm joining your little game, young boy. don't be so sensitive or i'll
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:53 AM | Reply
Ugh. Sorry. Now I'm embarrassed. It's been a long hard day and I'm taking things the wrong way. I missed the irony of your last comment.
[n/a] UnityMitford @ > Christof | 23-Oct-02/8:59 AM | Reply
long hard day? it's only noon where i am. where are you? you didn't take anything the wrong way, by the way (well, maybe a little). it's taken quite a toll, all this.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/9:01 AM | Reply
I'm in London and it's time to go home! At last. So you see, i have an excuse for my tetchiness. many apologies.
[9] Christof @ > UnityMitford | 23-Oct-02/8:53 AM | Reply
Don't be so sensitive or you'll what?
[10] jsab78 @ | 7-Oct-02/12:31 PM | Reply
To the point. Powerful. Honest. You did it right. Keep up the good work.
[n/a] god'swife @ | 23-Oct-02/8:18 AM | Reply
Alright who is Unity?
[8] dougsoderstrom @ | 23-Oct-02/9:30 AM | Reply
Sometimes those who we most love, we most hurt, because we feel that we must share with them what we feel to be true.
[8] darby pyn @ | 23-Oct-02/12:00 PM | Reply
very nice. 8
[6] Bachus @ | 23-Oct-02/1:52 PM | Reply's tether ball with the smurfs in a raquetball court somwhere in ranchocucomunga, cuz if it's noon it's west!
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