Re: Felice Et Eroticum Est. by Ulterius |
31-Aug-06/7:52 AM |
Ah yes, how those WW1 poets loved it up the ass. 10/10 again.
Re: Shit happens by Bobjim the II |
2-Sep-06/4:22 PM |
Re: My sad life by Bobjim the II |
2-Sep-06/4:23 PM |
About as amusing as a boil.
Re: megiddo by ThePariahDog |
2-Sep-06/4:24 PM |
Re: Small Teeth in a Glass Bowl by Fear of Garbage |
6-Sep-06/7:14 PM |
I love a dental stump up my bumhole
Re: A Fucking Kinky Homecoming by Edna Sweetlove |
6-Sep-06/7:19 PM |
Re: Toe Jam Poem by EDNA by Edna Sweetlove |
9-Sep-06/4:30 PM |
This is total crap. I must be out of it. 0/10. Come on folks, help make it the worst poem here - I know there's a lot of competition but try and help me!
Re: Dinner With The Navy by colbaby |
12-Sep-06/1:30 PM |
It's not often that I am reduced to tears of emotion when I read something here, and this is certainly not one of those occasions.
You have, with a brilliant turn of phrase, managed to combine illiteracy, stupidity, prejudice and ignorance into something approaching an art form. When I say art form, I am being euphemistic, not that you would know what a euphemism was even if it came and bit a hunk out of your ugly, obese leg.
How can I find words to describe your poem? Maybe if I go to the nearest public toilet I will find inspiration in the pan. If I can tolerate the pong, that is.
It is poems like this that make me appreciate the value of blindness.
PS. I fancy that Liza Minelli, don't you? Apart from her big Jewish nose that is."
Re: Flea poem by Sing4Jesus! |
14-Sep-06/10:27 AM |
Re: a limerick from kent by nentwined |
14-Sep-06/10:28 AM |
This is not a Limerick. And you are illiterate.
Re: Dear Maggie by Stephen Robins |
14-Sep-06/10:29 AM |
Which part of Mr Blessed? His arsehole? Or his face?
Re: Upon meeting Mrs Gunn at the Butchers by Mr Pig |
14-Sep-06/10:30 AM |
I disagree. About as funny as rheumatism.
Re: A prayer for my mum by Mr Pig (again) |
17-Sep-06/6:18 PM |
My mum's cunt tasted of oysters.
Re: Horus8 & The Werewolves Live... by horus8 |
17-Sep-06/6:19 PM |
Total stupid girlish shite. You must be a mongo.
Re: The High Hunt by horus8 |
17-Sep-06/6:20 PM |
Re: The ABC's Of Adultery by horus8 |
17-Sep-06/6:21 PM |
Long winded, semi-illiterate mouse-dung.
Re: My Boyfriend's Afro Pick by horus8 |
17-Sep-06/6:22 PM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
17-Sep-06/6:22 PM |
Re: The Red Chain by MacFrantic |
17-Sep-06/6:23 PM |
Not exactly rocket science.
Re: Prayer by amanda_dcosta |
17-Sep-06/6:24 PM |
Hilarious. I laughed till I urinated.