regarding some deleted poem... |
18-May-07/9:35 AM |
Are you a Jehovah Witness?
regarding some deleted poem... |
18-May-07/9:55 AM |
You sure know how to flatter you wife don't you?
Re: A twisted Trail in Edenâs Garden by Dovina |
18-May-07/10:35 AM |
Very lyrical. Nice to see that from you.
One must remember it took the devil himself to seduce Eve but it only took a woman to seduce Adam.
Re: The Happy Side of Misery by Dovina |
22-May-07/9:54 AM |
You over chisel your poems as much as Rockmage under chisels his rocks. I would suggest you pad you quatrains for aesthetics and imagery sake. Maybe make them all 6 lines each. Nothing wrong with indulging in superfluous language.
Re: The Happy Side of Misery by Dovina |
22-May-07/10:19 AM |
Bovilexia (bo vil eks' e uh) - n. The uncontrollable urge to lean out the car window and yell "Moo!" every time you pass a cow.
-from Richard Hall's Sniglets: Words that don't appear in the dictionary, but should.
Re: Sunset Beach by amanda_dcosta |
4-Jun-07/6:32 AM |
Gorgeous flow in this poem makes you feel the waves. I'd lose the "S" in "Pearly whites" to get a 10. Otherwise it's a good poem that carries it's point and feeling across beautifully.
regarding some deleted poem... |
4-Jun-07/6:33 AM |
Too vague even for a Haiku.
regarding some deleted poem... |
4-Jun-07/7:06 AM |
I'm interested how you feel about Socrates. He must piss you off too. Those darn elusive martyrs.
Poem needs more consistancy in its form. This sounds more like a Bill Marr rant minus the funny stuff.
Re: Between two Truths by Dovina |
15-Jun-07/8:54 AM |
I don't like the simile "the kinds of churches like colors of cars" I assume you mean because there's lots of different car colors and there's lots of different churches but it just lacks your usual eccentric wit.
Also "beerâs against the law" is just not true.
The rest I found interesting and well done.
Re: ........ by Prince of Void |
15-Jun-07/8:55 AM |
Re: Dixon Country Store, Kentucky by Dovina |
15-Jun-07/8:59 AM |
The last line is killer. You could almost call it a prose poem.
Re: Teddy Bear by lexxie100 |
27-Jun-07/9:02 PM |
You're doin' alright kid. Start reading alot of the classics; Emily Dickenson, Shakespeare etc. and then try to write something in their style. Read poetry basics books. Ones that touch on meter, alliterations, metaphor and such. Don't compromise your sentences just to get a rhyme; ie. "But with joy I still swelled". This is an inverted sentence and is usually a literary no-no.
Ask yourself "Would I talk like that in real life?"
Don't be discouraged by critics. We all start at the bottom.
Re: Immigrant by Christof |
27-Jun-07/9:17 PM |
Ah, another racist poem. Is there a point to be made at the end of this series? I must admit racist sheep are hilarious. 10 for that.
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-Jun-07/9:23 PM |
You're not even trying anymore.
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-Jun-07/9:27 PM |
The title encompasses everything ever imagined about you.
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-Jun-07/9:52 PM |
Your dad has a mullet? OMFingG!
Re: Win, Win, Lose, Lose by Dovina |
27-Jun-07/9:58 PM |
So what else is new? Stanza 2 is the best one, very witty.
Re: (Title pending) by INTRANSIT |
27-Jun-07/10:17 PM |
I do hope you mean metaphorically when you say women stick their tongues in our cochleas otherwise it appears after a little wikipedia research that it would be very painful if they literally licked our cochleas. Maybe you meant Pinna. You could use "Pinnas" and still keep that ever subtle hint of phallicness. The title is awesome although I have no idea what it has to do with the poem.
Re: Why Do We Stay? by nypoet22 |
27-Jun-07/11:05 PM |
Ok then let us pull out tomorrow. What's that Alex? You don't know how to get that done? You don't have enough control and power to make that happen? Oh I see Alex, it's my job to fix it. Well you go back to playing X-box and I'll make the world all better for you.
Unless you're willing to sit outside the Whitehouse lawn for 3 days and get pepper sprayed and chased by police dogs like your parents or grand parents did then I suggest you stop your whining and hope you vote in a good egg for president next time around.
Re: essence of a thought by lmp |
28-Jun-07/12:10 PM |
Seems like a very dark thought you're having. Well written and haunting. Reminds me of Rodin's sculptures.