Re: The Last Time by EAger to Offend |
Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-13/12:35 PM |
Jolly good stuff, old chap.
Re: Rimming by wDaphnew |
Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-13/12:37 PM |
A gorgeous poem which leaves a certain taste in the mouth.
Re: ~Methinks~ by wDaphnew |
Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-13/12:38 PM |
I think I know to whom this refers. It's the old queen I see rubbing himself up in the park.
Re: Dashes of Deers can Hears by T. Jonathron Remp |
Edna Sweetlove |
14-Aug-13/12:39 PM |
Re: Help! by Dovina |
Dovina |
27-Nov-13/5:42 PM |
Poemranker is dead, right? Guess I will stop checking here.
Re: The Last Time by EAger to Offend |
SupremeDreamer |
12-Jan-14/4:45 PM |
Re: what is poetry 101 by Skamper |
Skamper |
20-Apr-14/12:29 AM |
first of all...thankyou for your passion and extreme reaction...forgoing the obvious, that you really need sedation or at the very least intervention. I know I am a POET, and you are merely another wannabe nay-sayer who, will felicitate my rise to fame. Skamper
Re: Pandora's Box by Edna Sweetlove |
Skamper |
20-Apr-14/1:07 AM |
omg..10 just for your steadfast, persistence to this site..x
Re: Sponds Hill, Cheshire, 26 December 2013 by Nicholas Jones |
nentwined |
26-Jun-14/8:10 AM |
Thirteen years? Poemranker's been here...yes, for thirteen years. Wow.
I love a lot of this. Don't have enough mind left to say whether I love all of it or not.
Re: The Young Girl From Khartoum by Edna Sweetlove |
daniella ::1 |
2-Sep-14/4:01 PM |
Re: Let's praise great Britannia's golden days of now and then by Edna Sweetlove |
daniella ::1 |
2-Sep-14/4:03 PM |
you lost me at the onset.
Re: "She Phoned This Morning" by ARTIE |
daniella |
2-Sep-14/4:07 PM |
sense and sensibility permeates this piece, which indeed seems more like the intro to what is a beautiful ode to love lost
Re: Lizzie Boredom by Bonehiss |
daniella ::1 |
14-Sep-14/6:00 PM |
i hope you did not send this to her.
Re: server maintenance by nentwined |
daniella |
14-Sep-14/6:02 PM |
Re: Outliers by nypoet22 |
daniella |
14-Sep-14/6:20 PM |
some of the metaphors don't work, not even surreally...
there are some great phrases here, some imagery but then too much prothletysing...
zest of a grapefruit is never sweet, always bitter.
work it.
Re: February by half.italian |
daniella ::1 |
14-Sep-14/6:25 PM |
this is just not written well
Re: Sponds Hill, Cheshire, 26 December 2013 by Nicholas Jones |
Ranger |
3-Oct-14/3:17 PM |
I used to live near-ish to there.
Agree with nentwined - much of this is lovely. I particularly like the closing lines - very nice.
Re: A mag that PAYS??? by SupremeDreamer |
Ranger ::1 |
3-Oct-14/3:19 PM |
Only one way to find out, right?
Re: Glossary without an index by daniella |
Ranger ::1 |
3-Oct-14/3:28 PM |
Some cool ideas. The whole thing feels quite bleak - or have I read it wrong?
Re: She Dreams of Yesterday by Phalkon |
28-Oct-14/1:07 PM |
She dreams of yesterday - because now that she has opened her mind to the reality of despair, she harkens back upon a simpler time.