regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Oct-02/11:33 PM |
You cannot hide your brilliance, even under this much corn. Bachus and you should write for late night television, or start a circus show of your own. Your style is perfect. You have formed this large chunk of stool into a monument of crap. Thank you.
Re: Comfort Food by jessicazee |
21-Oct-02/11:38 PM |
Don't forget the gnocchi. Every 11th day of the month. You have offended my ethnic sensibilities by your glaring exclusion. Even the Asians are represented by those oily little slugs they try to pass off as dumplings Hmpff!
Re: Never more by Mutant_X |
21-Oct-02/11:51 PM |
u r gr8. lettuce c- u- p. k? L b w8ing 4 u 2 3L me!
Re: Stockport by Nicholas Jones |
22-Oct-02/9:49 AM |
Having never been to Stockport, I can objectively say this is a fine example of a discriptive poem. I love the way you represent Engels humanity. You are excellent at sense of place, a good influence on me. What are chocolate digestives?
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Oct-02/9:53 AM |
Oh well, you made me laugh! It's actually quite good.
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Oct-02/9:58 AM |
The last one's good, the rest, not so.
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Oct-02/10:04 AM |
Yeeesh. I don't like 'deep penetration' well I mean I do like deep penetration, but not in your poem. To pornographic, or something. I don't know, just turns me off. Idf she's the women of his dreams, why is he cheating on her?
Re: recent submissions by <~> |
22-Oct-02/10:19 AM |
If they would just stay seated at the children's table. Maybe nentwined can create a Kiddie's Korner for them. I can dream can't I?
Re: The Enslaver of Men by Tascobar |
22-Oct-02/10:25 AM |
Waht about gay men? Are they enslaved by some other redolence?
Re: Daniela by little_angel_maria |
22-Oct-02/10:47 AM |
"said my personal life"? What is that? ".. the fact of what..." terrible. "I treated you" to lunch, kind, what? Fix your errors. If you weren't such a brat, and could listen to critism without having a fit, maybe you would learn something. I sympathize with your situation, I was raped at 13 and then fell into many abusive relationships with older men because of it, but that's no excuse for bad grammer. Now stop whining and open your eyes to the fact that your writing, at this point, needs serious coaching. I think you just need to give yourself a few years before you start posting this stuff. Write all you want, keep it somewhere and then come back to it and make something beautiful out of it, this is tripe. I also suggest you move to an area with better schools if you can. Here in the states they have a victims relocation program, you shouldn't have to go to the same school you were going to before this happened. I'm assumng you're still in school. Does everyone in your neighborhood know this happened to you? Get some counselling, before you start acting out like I did. Poemranker is not an appropriate place for you to be discussing this shit right now.
Re: requiem for an ex-girlfriend by natalie |
22-Oct-02/10:56 AM |
Very fine, the ending is strong, I like that.
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Oct-02/12:54 PM |
"McShort-Tempered' deserves 10 but I the pun is awful.
Re: futile existence by chinstrap |
23-Oct-02/7:47 AM |
Try a McVities Chocolate Digestive. Their super!
Re: From a letter (never sent) by UnityMitford |
23-Oct-02/8:18 AM |
Re: Shackles of Reality by rick |
24-Oct-02/5:35 PM |
Well rick, 4 0's thus far. What you're saying is not news, nor how you go about saying it, novel. In fact, your philosophy is out-of-date and no longer true. Didn't you see Titanic? Mr Cameron's heroes learn their lesson's just for you. There is no reality. Nothing is motionless. The future does not exist. this poem is a relic from a time when humans believed in fate. You must be very young.
Re: Fields of Deception by rick |
24-Oct-02/8:10 PM |
The last stanza is too obscure. So is everything else. I think I know what your talking about only because you're so vague you could be talking about a lot of things. Including my own personal belief. You sound of restraint, not hollow, but not hallowed. Make sense?
Re: Why Did God Do This To Me? by TripleHGurl |
24-Oct-02/8:14 PM |
Eureka it seems I have found the center of the universe. Pre-schoolers believe God revolves around them.
Re: Free by muffin |
24-Oct-02/8:17 PM |
"Her translation is in her eyes" the rest must go.
regarding some deleted poem... |
24-Oct-02/8:21 PM |
Your titles always always are better then their insides. Last stanza is good, no need for that last line. L1 & L3 in S2 are stand alones. Slash the other 2.
regarding some deleted poem... |
24-Oct-02/8:24 PM |
Funny, how sometimes it takes a while to arrive. The last stanza is the poem.