Re: a comment on i will not come to bangladesh by lost in america |
7-Mar-03/3:47 PM |
So let me get this straight, toby. Considering you seem to be about 100 different people in your head clique and wired many ranking powers, am I to believe that the only way I can get any real advice around this place is if I like all of your poems. What an interesting policy. And If I accidentally do not like one of the poems you wrote under any number of your user names I am to be labeled numerous form of creative profanity because you cannot seem to take any sort of criticism. Well okay then, just give me a list of all your people and I will give them all good tidings! lol.
Re: Unholy War by marvelis |
7-Mar-03/3:31 PM |
Lots of cliches. Lots of them.
Re: a comment on Keanu Vs The mystery of life by Shardik |
7-Mar-03/3:28 PM |
Okay, quickdraw, you are right. I will go back and try to add depth that is not beneath you.
Re: a comment on Keanu Vs The mystery of life by Shardik |
7-Mar-03/3:17 PM |
I think any critique I give is only an opinion, which is my own and I do believe I have a right to that regardless.
Re: a comment on i will not come to bangladesh by lost in america |
7-Mar-03/3:14 PM |
I am not sure what you are talking about. Sounds more like rambling. But thanks.
Re: a comment on i will not come to bangladesh by lost in america |
7-Mar-03/3:13 PM |
Okay, thank you. But I believe you have mistaken the Muslim religion for Hinduism. Bangladesh is 80 percent Muslim. The rest is divided between a hodgepodge of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism (or the dot head as you call it), among others. Some even tribal. The woman is question is neither of these, although I believe she was raised Lutheran. She teaches for the International American School. Just to give you a heads up. But considering the poem does deal with assumed stereotypes, I will cut you a bit of slack for the dot head comment.
Re: a comment on Keanu Vs The mystery of life by Shardik |
7-Mar-03/3:09 PM |
You said I was a good poet? You just called me a fuck face.
Re: a comment on The deafening silence in the world or something by Bachus |
7-Mar-03/3:07 PM |
I am not sure what this means, but this site is filled with all sorts of friendly folks that cannot seem to take a ranking or any sort of criticism. It is just my opinion. Lighten up and try to avoid the profanity, please. I realsie you are trying to make a political state, but it is rather ineffective and severely tainted by the fact that you rely on Depeche (sp?) Mode to achieve a political counter point.
Re: The deafening silence in the world or something by Bachus |
7-Mar-03/2:50 PM |
It is pretty bad when you have to end you work with a quote from a song.
Re: The Blooding by Mr Pig |
7-Mar-03/2:45 PM |
Some good wording, but it suffers a loss of imagery toward the end and the metaphor you implement becomes weak and tired. You might cut down on the heady language and quit telling so much. At least that is what I would do. but it is still decent in some regards.
Re: if only you could read my mind love by sk8boardandpoems |
7-Mar-03/2:33 PM |
This sounds like you are actually attempting to write a childish poem.
Re: Keanu Vs The mystery of life by Shardik |
7-Mar-03/2:31 PM |
Pretty pointless and off the mark for a haiku. Sorry.
Re: a comment on Something for Lynn by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
7-Mar-03/12:37 PM |
did you write this poem? i guess i am confused? sorry, i am not trying to be a better writer than anyone. and i think it odd that you are trying to influence a personal opinion. i thought we were supposed to give poems a number rank. that is all i did, but here you go.
Re: a comment on Something for Lynn by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
7-Mar-03/12:06 PM |
sorry, i wasn't trying to be negative. i was just saying what i thought. i didn't realise you were four and wrote this. i guess it is good then.
Re: Love spank by Shardik |
7-Mar-03/11:44 AM |
funny and completely worthless at the same time.
Re: Something for Lynn by Jeremi B. Handrinos |
7-Mar-03/10:33 AM |
almost there. still a little young.