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User: dancin_n_da_moonlite rss

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About: umm well let us see here my name is megan i love poetry, it is my passion, my fire, the center of my life there is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful poem my favorite poets are billy collins, e.e.cummings, robert frost and edgar allan poe my favorite musical group is the beatles my favorite movies include it's a wonderful life and disney's herculese im odd, to say the least, but thats okay, i pride myself in the fact that i am not normal (smiles) i am aged 15, a sophmore and that is all i will tell you for now ask me, if you would like more information into my fascinating life(haha, how i kid myself) signing off -megster
Homepage: None listed
Location: pennsylvania
Referrer: web search
Date Joined: 27-Dec-04/9:58 PM
Last Active: 19-Feb-06/2:47 PM
Last Login: 19-Feb-06/2:45 PM (see ips by user)
Last poems posted:
The Glass13-Mar-05/10:31 AM
Thinking9-Mar-05/2:15 PM
Death is a Three Step Process6-Mar-05/7:34 PM

User can post new poetry.
Voting history:
(see votes)
Free verse 272 6.22
Haiku 10 5.20
Lyric 20 5.65
Limerick 3 0.00
Ode 3 6.67
Concrete 2 3.00
Other 32 5.06
Sonnet 5 6.80
Villanelle 3 7.67
Pimple 9 8.11
Meta-Ku 1 5.00
Acrostic 1 10.00
Triolet 1 10.00
Glosa 1 8.00
Programming 1 10.00
Comment history:
(see comments)
Free verse 125
Haiku 3
Lyric 9
Ode 3
Concrete 1
Other 11
Sonnet 2
Pimple 3
Acrostic 2
Triolet 4
Programming 1
(see favorites)
User has 5 favorite(s).

title style avg;# last
# last
The Glass Free verse 5.09;2 26-Jan-07 (7) 6147 26-Jan-07 9
Thinking Free verse 4.95;1 03-Feb-06 (4) 8905 03-Feb-06 4
Death is a Three Step Process Acrostic 5.14;1 27-Jan-06 (8) 5490 26-Jan-06 6
Clouds Free verse 4.91;1 25-Jan-06 (3) 9792 25-Jan-06 4
Reasons Free verse 5.05;1 05-Feb-06 (6) 6946 05-Feb-06 3
Rain Free verse 5.09;2 29-Jan-06 (8) 6154 29-Jan-06 21
5.04;8 26-Jan-07 7239.00 26-Jan-07 47

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