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Reasons (Free verse) by dancin_n_da_moonlite
You say that it's not worth it but that isn't really true. You say that there's no point but I know you were just feeling blue. We all know that you're kidding, we're just waiting for you to - admit that you don't mean what you said - I see you moping around, but you're just having a bad day. I see you over there crying, something must not have gone your way. You say you are depressed, but that's just something people say - admit that you don't mean what you said - C'mon, this isn't funny, you need to snap back out, Of whatever it is that is making you suddenly shout About the worth life, that is not something to doubt. - admit that you don't mean what you said - Okay, we get the point, you are not feeling right. But that doesn't mean you have to wallow in your plight. What do you expect just standing there, go on put up a fight. - admit that you don't mean what you said - You say that it's not worth it but that isn't really true. You say that there's no point but I know you were just feeling blue. We all know that you're kidding, we're just waiting for you to - admit that you don't mean what you said -

Up the ladder: Writing the Rings
Down the ladder: A bereaved search

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Arithmetic Mean: 6.0
Weighted score: 5.0474257
Overall Rank: 6954
Posted: January 23, 2005 1:28 PM PST; Last modified: January 24, 2006 10:59 AM PST
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[9] Dan garcia-Black @ | 24-Jan-05/5:21 AM | Reply
Sounds like it could be a Green Day song.
[6] deleted user @ | 25-Jan-05/3:09 AM | Reply
It definitely has a lyrical quality to it, I could imagine it being sung rather than recited. Not too sure about the flow though, there are times when it seems overburdened by the choice of language and this stifles the rythm a little.
[6] Angelicasassy @ | 5-Feb-06/7:07 PM | Reply
quite good
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