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falling in with the wrong crowd. (Free verse) by richa
The heart does not stop, when we stop listening to its beat, nor thoughts of the travelling man, though a diamond may cut his windscreen with light and for a moment take the pole of his gaze like a magnet.

Up the ladder: The First Poem

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Arithmetic Mean: 7.1904764
Weighted score: 7.1510777
Overall Rank: 20
Posted: October 23, 2003 6:36 AM PDT; Last modified: October 23, 2003 6:36 AM PDT
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[n/a] richa @ | 23-Oct-03/6:40 AM | Reply
About people having a basic humanity to themselves behind the diktats of the environment (a metaphor)

Wanted to put a bit about a senile old woman (always looking into the light to carry on the metaphor). And how she would look after cats or the like though she had no memory of why.
[9] INTRANSIT @ > richa | 23-Oct-03/6:48 AM | Reply
If you have the alternate writing, I suggest you have them side by side and read both aloud and then decide. After your explanation, it makes more sense, particularly the first stan.
I wish everyone understood what I mean all the time, but poetry wouldn't be a challenge then.
[9] INTRANSIT @ | 23-Oct-03/6:42 AM | Reply
a diamond may cut his windscreen with light. I get the image but is it a diamond or light? I stumble here for some reason. I like it otherwise. Most what you write reaches me, makes me think. Keep it up.
[n/a] richa @ > INTRANSIT | 23-Oct-03/6:56 AM | Reply
I'm a bit confused myself.

The image is light, but I was thinking of a magpie flying across with a jewel reflecting the light.

The image is to tease the reader, a diamond cutting like on an industrial lathe/ no it is light like a diamond/ no the diamond exists but the light is what cuts.
[9] King Abdullah I @ | 23-Oct-03/6:44 AM | Reply

[10] horus8 @ | 23-Oct-03/11:23 AM | Reply
Jim Jones and John Travolta painting the town red.
[9] god'swife @ | 23-Oct-03/12:38 PM | Reply
Many times I ask myself why I keep coming back to poemranker. Is it some sick co-dependent habit, an acting out of familial dysfunction? Then I find poetry, like an artifact toss carelessly among the rubbish, and I realize for a glimmer of a moment, no, it is my desire to feel the truth some stranger might share. A poem works for me not because I understand its details, but simply because the sound of it strikes upon familiar tones. This poem is pleasant, and poignant, the way a certain lullaby can calm, or the way a loved ones breathing registers a sense of belonging. Here is what the artist strives for, not sense, so much as beauty.
[9] ecargo @ | 23-Oct-03/9:41 PM | Reply
Cogent, with a knockout ending.
[9] Caducus @ | 24-Oct-03/6:40 AM | Reply
poemranker support : 9

You're a leader richard
[8] EAger to Offend @ | 24-Oct-03/6:55 AM | Reply
It's very clear, yet vague enough to keep me meditating upon the metaphor. The senile woman version sounds like it would be a little more story-like, but I'd like to read it none the less.
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