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20 most recent comments by ho_hum
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regarding some deleted poem... 23-Sep-03/6:47 AM
Brittanyy. A wise and insightful poet such as yourself will surely realise the the other wise and insightful users of this site were referring to inner beauty when the called you ugly. Having looked at the fruits of your fury I can only agree with them, in the same vein 'baby' comments are also very aposite.

If you wish your poetry to be judged as you wish you should be at pains to point out before each poem that you are 16, and would people please only leave nice comments. Without this warning I would be in terrible danger of thinking 'what a load of shite', without realising that a poor soul such as yourself had written it. Of course, because you are SO young, that makes your poetry brilliant.

You want it both ways. You want to play with the big boys, but only the bits of the game that involve them being nice to you. Resemblance to life = 0. 16 is not very young, you can't hide your crappy poetry behind that facade. As much as horus8, DA, nentwined etc. might go a bit far I can't help but agree with them.
1. Grow up.
2. Stop being such a cry baby, it's very unbecoming.
3. Write for yourself, not the inhabitants of the murky world of poemranker.
4. Stop dredging the shallows of your limited emotional experiences for inspiration, write something fun.
5. You are just a whiney little teenager. In a few years time I hope you look back on your rants with horrible shame and embarassment.
6. Many great minds have produced some of their best at 16 or younger. A bonus prize if you can name 10.

Best Wishes HH
Re: POEM FOR PREPS by Brittanyy 24-Sep-03/2:15 AM
Does this mean, oh joy of joys, that you are leaving? I also see that you have deleted "comments on this site part 2", which I take it means you are refusing my challenge to name 10 great minds who have achieved great things at or before the age of 16.

By the way the scintillating rythms of this poem have scored white hot lines across my soul. -10-
Re: Child of my Buttocks by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 25-Sep-03/2:56 AM
A work of breathtaking vision
Re: A Best Friend by Birdman42s 29-Sep-03/8:01 AM
This is truly the most agonisingly tacky thing I have ever had the misfortune to read. I have the greatest respect for your feelings, but this is absolute drivel. I refer you to:

I wish I could think of a better word, implying more sicklyness than 'saccharine'. But I can't.
Re: sewer rat by irishfolksuicide 10-Oct-03/8:35 AM
Abuse of the humble apostrophe (or in this case, underuse) reaches new heights.
Re: Math Poem 3 by Dovina 6-Jan-05/6:18 AM
Not only is the maths in this poem facile beyond belief, principally because you wouldn't know decent maths if it bit you on the arse, but the poem itself it terrible. Doesn't scan, has no rhythm, in fact, apart from being arranged into four, for want of a better word, stanzas, could just be some guffy text. Give us a break with the maths poems.
Re: Trying to get signed? by Damien 19-Apr-05/3:23 AM
Damien, you say on your homepage:

"Think what you want but express what you like not what is wrong."

Which makes me think that you only want positive comments on your poems. Now, if you really wanted to improve you would welcome all constructive criticism, but you don't. This makes me think that you are a little too insecure to receive constructive criticism as it is meant. Now if you put you poems on a website called "poemRANKER", then you can't really get all upset if someone scores you a zero; that's just their perception of your work. There's no point expecting people to build up your self image, when the image they will create (of an excellent poet) is inaccurate. You say "All I need now is an honest opinion of this
If I can write this simply do I have a gift?", you've been given an honest answer, and you've got all upset about it. It may suprise you, but if you do write something brilliant, it will generally get comments saying it is brilliant.

And finally, the grammer issue. You must accept that it is important, consider the following two sentences:

A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman; without her, man is nothing.

Identical words, almost directly contradictory meanings, all achieved by the placement of punctuation. So your claim that:

"if everybody decided to do this we would still understand each other."

may not be as correct as you think. Even the addition of a few commas to your poems would help a great deal, think of it as helping hands guiding the reader through your work.

Now don't get all offensive.
Re: f*ckyouoldmenandyourrules by Damien_ 19-Apr-05/8:29 AM
Why not stop banging your head against a brick wall on, and start your own site called Do you want to be the next Eminem or something?

This one, however, did make me laugh. So you get a 5 for it. You lose marks for it being just a bit too much like 'Stan' by Eminem in terms of the sheer amount of ranting rage. Take it easy.

Actually you can get a 6 for the unexpected Deng Xiaoping reference, although you should capitalise proper nouns.

Fuck not f*ck.
Re: PLEASE VOTE FOR MELANIE by wFraser Allonby Q.C.w 6-May-05/6:56 AM
Why not let dear Melanie know how you feel:

A bit late now, but I'm sure she'll appreciate the thought.
Re: The Peccadillary by -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 11-Apr-06/2:04 PM
I can only imagine that in your claim that "To pretend to have had an affair with Shane Warne" refers to tabloid claims by a young lady that she misbehaved with him following day two of the Old Trafford test in the 2005 ashes series. I can assure you that this was no pretence, and while I have no proof that he slept with her, leaving the bar "Saltwater" in central Nottingham with said young lady in tow is circumstantial evidence enough. I know this because I was there, and I saw it with mine own two eyes. Watching the aforementioned Warne depart first ball the next day to a viscous Simon Jones lifter almost made me cry with laughter. 10.

Dear Americans,

I almost began to explain this comment but I'm not even going to try.


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