regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Aug-03/3:39 PM |
Re: Totally Hair by TanHand |
21-Aug-03/3:46 PM |
I believe the term was "perfect"
Re: stop poking me georges seurat by coolassbob |
21-Aug-03/3:49 PM |
Uhhh...I think if he read this, he'd laugh in your puffy-eyed face! Nonetheless, this takes neurotic to another level. 6.
regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Aug-03/3:57 PM |
This poem is like Eva's cheesecake...the only good part is the crust (at the BOTTOM). You need to make your work more fluffy. Try messing around with the temperature.
regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Aug-03/4:01 PM |
Jermi has the same haircut as Pete Yorne!
:D I'm already going to get a shit kicking anyway...
but everybody does...
regarding some deleted poem... |
21-Aug-03/4:05 PM |
WHATEVER, There is NOTHING more important in life than hair. You are a sad, sad boy(girl?)thingy...
Oh yeah, and Jermi has the same hair as Pete Yorn.
Re: One Moment to the Other (v2) by nentwined |
21-Aug-03/11:01 PM |
A little too much Pink Floyd.....
Re: A Surgeons Butchery by SupremeDreamer |
22-Aug-03/12:42 AM |
"Slices Lesions" is kinda weak...I think a lesion is a surface abrasion, not a cut, so to speak. Not positive onthat, though.
Re: Balances (sorry for all caps) by zarathustra |
22-Aug-03/12:44 AM |
Love the "sidewalk go dalmation." I like this poem, good imagery (not too pushy). Nice, 7
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Aug-03/12:50 AM |
I think that if you elude an overt profundity of adjectives, you might be able to get your imagery across clearner and more seductively.
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Aug-03/11:01 AM |
Re: What Do You Want From Me? by Bonehiss |
22-Aug-03/11:06 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
22-Aug-03/11:08 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
23-Aug-03/1:33 AM | really ARE the more fucked up one...
Re: Piano Guitar Passion by Don-Quixote |
25-Aug-03/10:24 AM |
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Bad metaphors, AUGH!!!!!!!
Re: Dance With Me by marvelis |
26-Aug-03/3:58 PM |
Yeah, there's some pretty interesting fairy tale porn stars they might want to marry.
No man dreams of a snotty princess bitch who orders them around, Jesus!
regarding some deleted poem... |
29-Aug-03/12:22 AM |
REminds me of the Venus of Willendorf.
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Sep-03/11:39 AM |
regarding some deleted poem... |
3-Sep-03/3:45 PM |
Could use a little re-working, but I like it. Strong imagery. 7
regarding some deleted poem... |
27-Dec-04/11:08 PM |