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20 most recent comments by Joe-joe (21-40)

Re: NIGHTMILK SUNBLOOD by horus8 10-Oct-03/4:43 AM
I think Darky is right on the money with this one. Each verse seems to take the reader off to a new place...without ever all seems so disjointed. However, the imagery and harmonic flow is outstanding. Then again, I could be an idiot and you a genius... I continue to be amused and somewhat perplexed by our preoccupation with religion...particularly the rancid descriptions of christian worship that dwell on this website. I wonder what lies at the bottom of this perverted preoccupation. With all there is to talk about..why..why..why... -10- for style -3- for substance... Remember....Starkist likes tunas that taste good not tunas with good taste.
Re: facku by J.B. Manning 10-Oct-03/7:53 AM
This is one fucking big speed bump I just can't get past!! Only kidding, I would never play such a childish game with you. This work obviously did not take much effort but sometimes the best stuff we do is the shit that just comes off the top of our heads. This was amusing..And yes, I do love don't be naughty..not in that way...Peace JB
Re: Breeding ground. by INTRANSIT 25-Nov-03/8:38 AM
Sounds like somebody cut you off on the Grand Central Parkway! Yeah some of what goes on in this city sucks but, to be honest with you, I've lived here all my life and desire to live no other place in the world. While it is true that NYC often reveals the worst possible human qualities it is also is loaded with great people doing great things every day. Unfortunately these people and their stories don't get much press so we are left only with the type of stereotype so elegantly reflected in your poem. By the way. Lady Liberty does not collect patina....she undergoes a thorough washing every six months.
Re: Grind by INTRANSIT 25-Nov-03/8:44 AM
I hope you wrote a tell all letter and placed it in a location where it could be easily found.....otherwise I would not count on seeing that epitaph any time in the foreseeable future.......
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Dec-03/4:16 AM
Hint: Focus your attention on intent and the nature of the journey.
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Dec-03/1:35 PM

I like this. It has a nice touch but I must admit that I am not clearly capturing the image you paint. I am somewhat lost from "to give reason....." "as if to quell the stillness of the day" is sweet, very nice. Are you saying that the lake exists for more than mere show and if so what might that be?
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Dec-03/4:46 PM
Ok, I was able to get over that tiny speed bump of a title you've crafted here.....but the first line of the "poem"...I did not have a tank powerful enough to get over that major bump in the road. "Shattered fragments of muted speech" ????? It seems that you are attempting to be profound but it just doesn't work. Words with no meaning and...well...fragments of muted speech.....yes that aptly describes what it is!! Perhaps I am mistaken and you really are a misunderstood genius....whose to say? Keep on keepin on.
regarding some deleted poem... 6-Dec-03/7:47 AM
JB my brother....why is it that all the roads you carve here lead to the same place? Is this part of your grand experiment? You just might have some talent in that brain of yours......if you could just slow down a bit.....find a bit of peace (not piece) in the day, and move your attention away from its ceaseless quest for the next sexual conquest. Our desires and emotions can be facilitators or obsticles depending on how we control and steer them.....relax a bit my know therapy is an option.
regarding some deleted poem... 7-Dec-03/3:11 PM
Laura is living in a world of innocence. She gives freely of her love and trust. But those closest to her are living a lie....betraying this simple and wonderful young woman. The betrayals are brutal; a priest who abuses little boys, her parents who feign a happy marriage, and a boyfriend who cons her for the benefit of his sexual desires. As life goes on Laura will learn to survive in this world where we all live a life of betryal...primarily self satisfy our ambitions and compete in this disfunctional society....When we do lose our innocence we lose the ability to love with the simple purity we were born possessing. If sin does exist....this is the greatest one of all.
Re: Christ For Sale by Caducus 11-Dec-03/8:42 AM

Your work is quite skillful and this piece is no exception. However, I continue to be puzzled at the amount of energy and attention directed towards criticism of the church and those who believe in the Christian God. Regardless of who authors such work the bottom line is always the same; a substitution of the author's own sense of reality for the reality they so ardently attack. Whose version of reality are you hoping the delusional and mislead "believers" embrace?....the one they glean from their own senses and experiences or the one you profess is objectively derived? But as I said, the work is quite good. -9-
Re: Lenola prays with a stiletto by SupremeDreamer 26-Dec-03/11:53 AM
Although there are some akward/forced moments in the second half of this piece(e.g. "the blade replaced god")your vivid imagination remains well in tact here. The 1st 3 verses are extremely well worded....I thought you were on your way to a 10 as I was reading but the poem kind of fizzled out a bit in the last 3 verses. Again, I continue to be facinated by the obsession so many on this site have with Jesus and Catholicism. It seems that those who do not "believe" have more to say about Jesus than those who do. Very interesting phenomenon...don't you agree. I hope all is well with you's been some time since we've spoken. Peace......Joe
regarding some deleted poem... 31-Dec-03/2:42 PM
You have grossly overestimated our sense of curiosity and concern about the status of your spine. The realization that no one really cares can be quite a life changing event. I hope you deal with it in a level headed fashion.....I'd hate to find out that my words have moved you to roll your wheelchair off a cliff ....whether you do so by the stroke of your hands or from a running start.
regarding some deleted poem... 31-Dec-03/2:46 PM
Rich - you know how fucking pig headed the Irish can be. Cross em once and you've made an enemy for life and beyond.
regarding some deleted poem... 2-Jan-04/6:37 AM
You must read this in proper cadence to understand how it flows. If you a rich little white boy with no rythm it just ain't gonna sound pull yo blue jeans down past yo waist, tilt yo baseball cap 45 degrees to the right and strike that gangsta pose before you read this one.
Re: War zone by INTRANSIT 14-Jan-04/11:46 PM
Ah the joys of fatherhood. I have 2 teenaged daughters and therefore have had much experience in the "War Zone" you allude to here.....cold sweats....flashbacks...lost nights of sleep....the whole 9 yards! I like the connection you've made here between the cosmetic practices of teenaged girls and the battlefield. It definately works. The "Stop using my makeup BITCH" line made me chuckle....true love between sisters hath never been so strongly expressed! Stay strong...this too will pass. -9- See ya on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway!
regarding some deleted poem... 8-Mar-04/9:57 AM
Now Zodiac, I see that you are normally a very generous scorer (no pun intended). Why have you chosen to give me a zero on this work of art? Is it because:

1. You disagree with the point being made by the poem.
2. You truely believe it does not contain an ounce of wit and creativity.
3. You in fact have been trying for years to get married to a member of your same sex and, because of your inability to do so, have developed a deep seeded hatred for those who oppose gay marriage.
4. You are a bleeding heart pinko-commie who has fallen lock stock and barrel for the cultural fraud that has been promulgated by members of the so called "Gay Community"..........Go ahead Zodiac proceed with your venomous reply......
regarding some deleted poem... 9-Mar-04/4:32 AM
Well well, you all have so many questions for me...yet you ignore the answers I have supplied you with and provide absolutely no answers to the questions I have posed. The onus is on those of you who support gay marriage to explain why our society should change its long standing definition of marriage to accommodate gay unions and to define the parameters of marriage as you see it. Not a peep about that from any of you! My position is clear...the institution of marriage was developed to facilitate a civil society by establishing a means of controlling men, protecting women, and nurturing the development of their offspring. I respect the loving relationships gays have but do not think marriage applies to such relationships. Exactly why is this problematic to you?


Please spare me your simplistic and utterly unsophisticated argument about you and your wife choosing not to have children. Children are the product of male and female union..your decision not to procreate does not change that...marriage is intended to address the natural order of things...your personal decisions, defects, or circumstances are unimportant and of no consequence.....


Please do not try to draw a parallel between our positions on this matter. You hate gay people...I have no problem with them....I support some of the objectives of the "gay movement"...but I don't agree with their position on gay marriage. And, by the way, if you want to read some piss-poor poetry take a look at your own stuff.


Address the comments and questions I provided in response to your earlier posting (which you deleted) and I'll be more than happy to address your latest question. Let's see if you can focus your sick mind long enough to engage in serious discussion. Do it for Jesus.

regarding some deleted poem... 10-Mar-04/6:46 AM

It is with great pleasure that I crown you with a well deserved -10- for this one. It is very well crafted and as funny as hell. I gotta give you your props Professor because you do have a nice touch with words...pretty good sense of humor too. But I must say, for a chap who did not want to engage me you you've spent quite a bit of time the past two days responding to my comments on the gay marriage issue and, apparently, reading some of the work I've posted here. Got my hooks in ya huh?

I was very close to being on the money about you wasn't I? Ok I wasn't totally correct.....I thought you were a student trying to impress his professor when you are actually a college professor trying to.....well I haven't figured that out yet. When I was a student in college I was heavily influenced by some very liberal professors who stood my view of the world on its head. Fortunately, I returned to my senses after about one month pounding the pavement in NYC and getting back to my roots in Brooklyn. My experience with professors at graduate school was more adversarial in nature. I was a bit older, more "worldly", and consequently less acquiescent to their liberal anti-American dogma. So I can smell a professor from a mile away.

In spite of my disagreements with you Zodiac I do sense that you are a heck of a nice guy. Peace to you and your family. Joe-joe

By the way…time will bear out my position on the gay marriage issue and OF COURSE procreation lies at the center of the institution of marriage.
Re: Zodiac's Visit to Micky D's by Oej-Oej 11-Mar-04/10:26 AM

I actually did make a change. I mistakenly placed an "a" both before and after the word "place" in the third line of the poem. It was an obvious error that I felt compelled to fix. Wow you are really paranoid about this whole little game we've been playing here. Chill-out man. You really lack self control don't you? You're delusional to boot. On three occasions here you stated that you would no longer engage me. Twice you could not resist the intentional bate I threw your way and now you've conjured up some strange conspiracy theory around a simple grammatical correction I made to this poem. Wow! I didn’t realize I had rocked your world so profoundly! But your comment was revealing. From your own pen you assert, "If I rank it high, that I'm weak-willed and awestricken by your skill"....then you proceed to give me a 10!! Gee Professor I never new you felt that way. Coming from a literary genius like you, that's quite a compliment.

I'm really quite happy that you've responded as you have. Your impulsiveness and lack of control are what this poem is all about. You can knock my writing abilities all you want but you can't deny that I've captured a salient aspect of your personality. None of us is perfect. That's why I thought your Joe-Joe work was so good. Yes, it does describe an unflattering aspect of my personality. Darky says I'm "thick"...very perceptive of him... I often can be although I refer to it as being "head strong". My colleagues here at the college…who are profoundly liberal…freely attest to my unyielding personality and, at times, myopic way of looking at things. Not a big deal, we’re all works in process.

By the way, where did the "Father Figure" crap come from? I know I said that your ideas are similar to those of an 18 year old kid..but I really have no idea how old you are....for all I know you might be old enough to be my grandfather. At any rate, please relax a bit and don’t take things so seriously…life is too short.


Re: My Boyfriend's Afro Pick by horus8 15-Mar-04/3:47 PM
One must first listen to the totally pointless "music" produced from the mind of Mr. 8 to appreciate the utter hypocrisy of this piece. 6 on craftsmanship 2 on message..........-4-

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