Re: your voice soothes me in the dark by rockinindividual |
4-Jan-03/7:46 PM |
okay dudette, want me to quote the parts i like? i'll quote the whollllllllle poem...
looky looky! she's MY friend! MY genius friend!
I'll give it a ten....a bit impartial...but even if i hated you i'd give you a nine.
Re: Lost Lamb by debased |
5-Jan-03/8:08 AM |
...sort of agree with the dude above me, but I love the first stanza. And the second for that matter...I'll think about the third for a bit...
Re: this tuesday morning by teacup |
10-Jan-03/5:56 PM |
mmm...i like this. images that i can relate too.
don't you hate standing at the bus stop in the rain?
Re: haiku's i love but i cannot do them well enough by UAFANTHORPEY |
1-Feb-03/6:21 AM |
Re: The unlucky Janitor haikus by Bachus |
8-Feb-03/4:50 PM |
Re: kruder&dorfmeister by rockinindividual |
16-Apr-03/2:35 PM |
I totally wish i hadn't given your other poems 10s..or 9s...or whatever...because i think this blows them ALL away..
I might have to think about this for awhile..because..i can't decide whether captitalization would work better for this one..I know it's not your style..but sometimes they flow better..or whatever..
I LOVE THIS!..mmm 10..i am thinking..
Re: Dance With Me by marvelis |
16-Apr-03/2:37 PM |
i hate rhyming..but this was actually cool..
Actually, the last two lines were cool..
i'll widen my vocabulary, and give you a 5.
Re: A Vietnam Homecoming by scitz |
16-Apr-03/2:38 PM |
10..because i say so..
What a killer ending..
Re: Make a wish by thepinkbunnyofdoom |
25-May-03/11:22 AM |
"pour me a glass of apathy"
ha..great opening line..