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20 most recent comments by CherokeeRoseLoggins
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Re: Doctoring Stigmata by thepinkbunnyofdoom 29-Jun-06/12:02 AM
A good poetry prose, and a good concept. The construction and verse is very well done.
Re: watch by the indign 29-Jun-06/12:07 AM
A very good write. Good construction, and rhyme. Needs some captializing on a few words, otherwise, an excellent write.
Re: A Little War Victim by amanda_dcosta 29-Jun-06/4:32 AM
An excellent write. Good construction and rhyme. A godo concept that those in war would understand and know the depths of emotions and feeling here. Excellent write. (Thumbs Up)
regarding some deleted poem... 30-Jun-06/2:52 AM
I said nothing wrong to anyone, I was not rude to anyone. But a certain person had to leave a very rude remark, same as Dovina has left here. I am not only a Published poet, but I also have a lot of friends who are poets as well, and I was going to invite them here, as it did look like a nice place, but found I was wrong. I am not angry at anyone here. Because some people just do not know any better. I believe in what Jesus once said, " Forgive them, for they know not what they do." I left the so-called-poem message because I do have a life, and I am sincerely sorry that the guilty person does not, or they would not have been so unjustly rude. Some people are so miserable in their own life, they just have to cut another down to make themselves feel good about themself. That is a pitty too. I just feel sorry for them. I would never invite any of my friends to a place where they would be treated so unjustly and unkind. You not only lost out on a lot of postings per day, but the chance also of aquiring a whole lot more members who would have been very active in this group. I have tried to unjoin as it so said to do, but for some reason it did not work. I would prefer not to be a member of a group where others are allowed to be so rude and critical for no reason at all.
regarding some deleted poem... 30-Jun-06/7:51 AM
As for the poems of mine I posted first before making any comments, I deleted because of the criticism against me. Had it been in regards to my poem alone, then that would have been fine, as I have critics who do this for me anyhow. A good critic does not attack the person, but criticizes in a constructive way. And good constructive criticism is helpful to the poet. And why are you attacking me, I did nothing wrong to you or to anyone here.

All my poems are legally copyrighted, and no other copyright can over ride them, for legal reasons, that was the reason for the clause at the bottom, not to offend anyone. And anyone knowing about legal copyrights would know that another copyright would over ride the first copyright, if it is a legal copyright. Also, anyone linking back to the page it is on, could possibly bring new members. That is the only two reasons for it.

And I never called anyone here a sour head, as you are accusing me of, and I never accused everyone. I just find it not right that anyone would allow someone to attack another member, and now you make two who have. I was not attacking anyone, I just left a message for the one who attacked me telling them I do have a life, and there was no anger on my part, I honestly felt sorry for them. And there is no link to contact the management via the home page. I did not find that until after I sent in as a suggestion, as there is one there I found, and like I said, it was after I sent it. Are all new members suppose to know their way around right off? And I do not mind an honest opinion of my poems, I have no problem with that. But one does not have to be rude to the person in doing so.

And if you do not want to try and do your best to follow in the steps of Jesus, then that is your choice. No one is perfect, and I am not either, nor do I claim to be. And I do have a life, and I do have many friends, and that is the richness of my life. And if you do not want that in your life, again it is your choice. I am not going to judge you on your choices in life, nor anyone else for that matter.

And I agree with Ranger, who said, "Ah, fantastic. We appear to have lost yet another new user. Brilliant. And we wonder why poemranker's in demise..." Lost yet another new user? Well, no wonder you are losing new members. I am sorry that you feel you have to attack me as well, when I never did anything or say anything to you at all. Is the manager of this group not around to see what is going on? No wonder you are losing New members. Why don't you get to know someone before you judge them so unfairly and rude to them. I am not angry at you, I just do not understand why you or anyone would want to attack anyone for no reason. Other than what I said earlier, and that only goes along with some other poems I have read here, that others agreed with, only I just came out and said it in plain English. And that was only in reference to the one who do that. It kind of goes along with, "The guilty dog barks first." I never barked first here.

May peace and love walk with you each step you take in your life. And I sincerely mean that.
regarding some deleted poem... 30-Jun-06/8:14 AM
By the way, I will be deleting this poem later. There is no sense in continuing with this conversation.

You know, my father fought for freedom, and he is not even cold in the ground. Why is that when someone like this dies in a family, others have to attack the dead persons family also? As if they have not lost enough already. As I heard my father say once, " I fight for your freedom, and your freedom of speech, but not so you can go and speak unjustly and rude to others." My father did not die so people could be rude to others.
Re: only you by celticskatermatt1 30-Jun-06/8:27 AM
What a lovely heartfelt tribute to a loved one. Good construction and rhyme. An excellent write. (Thumbs up)

May I make a suggestion? And no ill intent meant here. Capitalize and commas. capitalize the first word of the beginning of each verse, a comma after the first verse, a period after the second verse, etc. And capitalize your i's, as in (I close my eyes) and ill wake up (I'll) Still an excellent write. (A wink and a smile at you.)
Re: Luke Hanney's 43rd Dream by lukehanney 30-Jun-06/8:33 AM
I love this one. I love the humor in it also. An excellent write well done. (Thumbs up)
Re: The Song of Summer Youth (II) by cleverdevice 16-Jul-06/11:16 PM
It needs a few more commas at the end of some of the verses, but other than that, a very good read and an excellent write.
regarding some deleted poem... 17-Jul-06/10:57 AM
These emotions are felt by many others, and I know this. I also know there are many various poems in relation to these emotions. But the one for which this poem was actually written for, is no longer alive. He shot himself in the head with a shotgun, leaving his brains slpattered on the wall. Unfortunately his young son was the one who found him. When a person writes concerning suicide like this, sometimes it is a cry for help. When a person is concidering suicide, it is not themself they really want to kill, but the to stop the hurt and pain. When one is reaching out for help, they do not need to be critsized, for it could lead them to take action then and there. The same as pulling the trigger for them. I am glad I was not reaching out for help here. First find out if the person is actualy feeling this, or just wrote it in reference to suicide. As for the comments made, no offense taken.
Re: I hate making titles by drnick 17-Jul-06/11:20 AM
Was this suppose to be about lightning? Because that is the picture that formed in my mind while reading this. Sounds like the way lightning does around ehre in real bad storms. If so, then this is a good write. But I do agree with Ranger as for the last two lines;

To answer all,
The crackling calls.
Re: I hate making titles by drnick 17-Jul-06/11:21 AM
Sorry for the typo, it was to say here, not ehre.
Re: ENIGMA, WONDER, BEASTLINESS AND FURY by Gopakumar 17-Jul-06/11:34 AM
A good concept, and with very good construction. So much truth in what you have written here. "beastliness of man," the cause of it all to start with. And I am not refering to the gender, but man, as in a whole, the human race. And the fury of nature, I guess because I am 3/4 Native American, or perhaps others may believe the same, but I do believe nature gets angry and lashes out.
Re: Intro by MacFrantic 17-Jul-06/11:43 AM
If only rocks could talk, for if walls could talk, what stories they could tell. LOL As an artist, I can see where rocks could have stories to tell, as like dead trees. So yeah, they could be poetry. You just made them so. LOL
Re: Tribute by creepshow 17-Jul-06/12:03 PM
Sounds like death itself. The demons perhaps? I could descride either really. Final death is of rot, and this reminds me of some of those movie called The Walking Dead.
regarding some deleted poem... 19-Jul-06/4:23 AM
There have been many peoms and other writings stolen from the internet, and the ones who stole them got a legal documented copyrights. The true author of the poem or writing could do nothing at all about it. I will not post a poem that I have not already paid for a legal copyright on. I have tried to unjoin this this group to no avail. I only came here again because I told my friend about you all. She joined, as I showed her the links to all that was ever said here. I perfectly understood about the remarks made this time. But I do not care to be in a group. I am not angry, nor do I feel any resentment. For one, there is nothing saying that this is a adult group, in which it is. And it is easy access for minors to see all that is said here. Mature is ok, but this group ahs a lot of adult material, and I really do not care about reading pornography. Please delete my membership

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