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20 most recent comments by Bobjim (21-40)

Re: The Sparky by RGSsparky 12-Nov-04/3:05 AM
I found this poem entertaining
Considering who wrote it it's amazing
I've never ever seen such rhyming
Here's a 10 for your great poeming
Re: Tonight at the Bar, a Short Story Poem by jessicazee 15-Nov-04/8:06 AM
Weird enough to merit a 5.
Re: Mobile Phones by RGSsparky 15-Nov-04/8:09 AM
I sense a lot of rage coming out in this poem. Perhaps you should consider some of my never-fail calming techniques.
For you, I would suggest finding the biggest, cheapest, ugliest mobile phone around, buying 10 of them, and destroying them in interesting ways.
Alternatively, send this poem to every mobile phone company's customer services e-mail address.
Re: Dino's by RGSsparky 15-Nov-04/8:11 AM
I feel this could have been taken further. Why not describe the clientele in intimate, if incorrect, detail.
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Nov-04/8:16 AM
Simply because I like the philosophy behind this, 7.
But because I like the poem itself, you actually get a 10.
regarding some deleted poem... 15-Nov-04/8:18 AM
Maybe I'm reading this badly, but I get very little sense of depth.
My God, what's happening, a completely serious thought on a poem from me!?! The end of the world is nigh!
I haven't seen a poemwanker award since mine got taken away. Congratulations!
Maybe I should get mine back to boost the numbers...
Re: Dictionary Lesson by Dovina 16-Nov-04/9:11 AM
Re: Feminist? by RGSsparky 17-Nov-04/3:27 AM
Love it.
But really, it's too good.
You'll never get your orange wings like this.
Re: The Supreme Mind by Bobjim 17-Nov-04/8:56 AM
Bobjim's making a comeback.

Oh yeah.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Nov-04/7:29 AM
Is there any particular reason for the religious nature of your recent poems, or do you just find it a nice subject to write about?
Anyway, like it lots, have another 10.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Nov-04/7:30 AM
Puts me in mind of the Lightning Seeds: Sugar Coated Iceberg, can't think why.
Re: Mice by MacFrantic 18-Nov-04/7:33 AM
Here's an alternate ending:

This dubious poem is not that great,
I think I'll go and masturbate.
Re: You Were a Jerk to me in my Dream Last Night by T. Jonathron Remp 18-Nov-04/7:34 AM
I like this. I don't have to try and find any meaning in it and it's completely random.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Nov-04/7:36 AM
Where do all the egotistical people come into this.
regarding some deleted poem... 18-Nov-04/7:37 AM
I came.
I saw.
I decided not to bother reading it.
Re: Last dance at the lake by Caducus 18-Nov-04/7:39 AM
Re: Matthew's Bastard by Caducus 9-Dec-04/3:33 PM
1The name was interesting, but it was too long to read properly.
Re: Limbs by Dovina 10-Dec-04/5:14 PM
Re: A Glass of Milk Inagodadavida by EAger to Offend 12-Dec-04/1:09 PM

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